Page 71 of The Forbidden Mate

Or was she just playing a game, making him think she wasn’t interested in him because she was on to the fact that his heart wasn’t in it?

Almost as if he read my mind, he said, “She knows something is going on between us.”

“What?” My voice was high-pitched and shrill, and I started to freak out. “Garrett, what do you mean? What does she know?”

“Relax.” He stopped what he was doing and came over to rest his hands on my shoulders. “She doesn’t know any of the details. But she said she knew there was something there.”

“That’s the worst possible thing that could happen.” I shook my head. “What if she—”

“Jess, listen.” His voice was soft and soothing, but it didn’t help settle me at all. “She really doesn’t want a relationship with me. I honestly don’t think she cares what I do or who I spend my time with.”

I barely heard him, though. If she suspected something, who else saw through our pretense? If anyone knew the full truth, what would happen to me? I could lose my position on the council, or be sent home, or a dozen other terrible things I didn’t want to think about.

“I’m sorry, Garrett, but I just remembered something I need to take care of,” I said abruptly, pulling out of his grasp and hurrying to the door. “I’ll have to hear more about this later.”

I left him standing there, staring after me with a baffled look on his face, but I didn’t care. This was the worst possible turn of events. Reagan was onto us, which meant I needed to be even more careful about keeping up appearances. Spending time alone with Garrett was becoming too risky. I needed to put some distance between us, but the mere thought of it made my heart ache.

You better get used to it, I told myself. Soon enough, whatever was going on with us would have to end. There was no other option. The sooner I accepted that I’d be watching Garrett and his new mate from the sidelines, the sooner I could move on. The only problem was that I didn’t know how the hell I was supposed to do that.

* * *

It had beentwo days since I’d spoken to Garrett. After what he'd told me about Reagan knowing something was going on between us, I’d decided the best course of action was to stay away. I didn’t need more people getting suspicious, and while it had been harder than I’d expected to put that distance between us, I knew it was the right thing.

I’d sent my assistant Amber to his room for the morning briefings, I’d had meals in my suite if my presence wasn’t required for the Contention, and when I needed to be around, I’d carefully avoided being alone with him, barely even looking his way.

Part of it was because it was getting harder and harder to watch him with the women, knowing he was growing closer with them and that he would be moving on from me soon as he selected his mate. Before long, our nights hanging out would be a thing of the past.

Tonight, though, I had no choice but to be present. The council meet and greet was about to begin, and Garrett and I would be leading the event, making sure the women got a chance to speak and ask questions of the council members, as well as observing their interactions so we could get a better idea of who he should choose to the final three.

I was dressed professionally in a pencil skirt, white blouse, and black fitted jacket, playing my official role as a council member for the meeting, which was to take place before the meet and greet.

As I walked in, my eyes went straight to Garrett, looking handsome as ever in his suit and tie, his hair combed back off his forehead. He glanced up from where he was sitting next to Holden then rose and headed my way.

“You look great,” he murmured, offering me his arm.

“Do you really think escorting me to my seat is the best idea?” I muttered.

He simply shrugged. “We’re working together, aren’t we? You’re supposed to guide me through this thing.”

Still, I noticed Reagan watching us take our seats at the head table as Holden called the meeting to order.

I tried my best to ignore Garrett as much as possible throughout the meeting, keeping my attention on the seven remaining contestants. They all looked lovely and professional as well, and I thought many of them would be good additions to the council. The problem was narrowing down who would be the best.

I watched Reagan particularly closely, especially as she interacted with her father. Markus and Reagan were either putting on a good show or weren’t that close. Her smiles looked more than a little forced the few times they interacted. I’d have to ask Garrett to find out more about that, just to be on the safe side about Reagan’s intentions. I’d liked the girl since she’d first arrived, but I remembered her sister all too well.

After the meeting ended, there was time for the contestants to meet and speak with the council members. I made the rounds, making polite conversation and observing the women’s interactions with members.

Nearly an hour later, most of the council had left—only a handful of them continued to engage in conversation with the seven contestants. I was ready to call an end to the night, so I could get away from Garrett as soon as possible. The more I was around him, knowing I needed to watch myself, the harder it was. It had almost become second nature to talk and flirt with him—something that was only going to hurt us both in the end.

Just as I was about to round up the contestants, a snarl caught my attention, and I whirled in time to see a wolf crouched, ready to spring, issuing a challenge to Holly. A quick glance around the room at the other contestants told me it was Stephanie who’d started this one.

My breath caught in my throat, my heart hammering. Things had been going so smoothly lately that I’d let my guard down. Unlike how things had gone during Holden’s Contention, there had only been the one challenge a couple of weeks back this time around.

Stephanie lunged, and I watched with trepidation, eyes wide as I moved out of the way. I really did hate this part, more than anything. I was always afraid it would end in unnecessary death. Would either of these contestants be willing to back down? Or would they refuse to submit, choosing death over defeat?

The sound of my blood pounding roared in my ears as I backed away, giving the wolves a wide berth as they snapped, snarled, and clawed at each other. When a large, warm hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me back, relief flooded me.Garrett.

He’d been on the other side of the room, but had come to me. To protect me and keep me safe. I didn’t allow myself to dwell on that, nor did I have time, as the fight became brutal.