Page 69 of The Forbidden Mate

“And what would those reasons be?” I asked, careful not to confirm or deny her suspicions about Jess and me.

“I want to win, but not because I think I’m in love with you or even because I want to be your mate,” she said, surprising me with her frankness. It was pretty refreshing actually, after hearing some of the women act like I was the love of their life when they didn’t even know me.

“I’m listening.”

“Okay.” Reagan leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. “But before I go any further, I want to address the elephant in the room. You’re aware that I’m Sydnee James’s sister—Markus’s younger daughter.”

“I am.” I sat back, my gaze narrowing. Where was she going with this?

“First of all, you need to know I’m nothing like my sister,” she hurried to add then grimaced. “Perhaps to my father’s disappointment.”

Sydnee had been cutthroat, willing to go to any lengths to win during Holden’s competition. She’d made it all the way to the final two, and had nearly killed Kayden on multiple occasions. It had been a disaster, and despite her words, I couldn’t help but be a little wary of Reagan, even though she hadn’t done anything so far that was questionable.

“Go on,” I said, wanting to hear her out before passing judgment.

Reagan blew out a breath. “Like I said, I’m not like my sister. I’m not willing to go to the extremes like she was. But I am interested in enacting change within the packs. Change that I know you and Holden would be interested in. I’ve watched closely, and paid attention in class, especially to the small things Kayden has said here and there. I know you have big plans, and I think I’d be an asset to all of you.”

If she’d picked up on all of that, she was even smarter than we’d given her credit. I was definitely interested in hearing more.

“So what are you suggesting?”

“Choose me. Pick me as the winner so I can help you. What better way to bring my father around than for me to be on the council, and not just as a member of the council, but as the beta’s mate?”

I studied her for a moment. “Why should I trust you? How do I know you aren’t lying, using some tactic to get inside information that you’ll only use against us? Your father is one of the least committed to Holden. I don’t put it past him to use you as a pawn.”

“Neither do I,” she said, her expression earnest. “That’s exactly why you need me. I know my own mind, and I won’t be swayed by him when I know what’s best for the packs. I’m on your side here, Garrett.”

She reached forward, resting her hand on mine. “Consider it. I’m not interested in you romantically, and I couldn’t care less if we had any type of real relationship. I’m interested in the greater good. I don’t even care if you keep Jessica as your mistress.” She shrugged. “As long as you get better at hiding it than you have been so far, this could be a purely political arrangement.”

I blinked, a bit stunned by her suggestion. That was what I wanted, but I hadn’t allowed myself to consider that any of the women would be on the same page. This could be the opportunity I’d been looking for. I wasn’t ready to jump on board without evaluating the ramifications, but this proposition was definitely something worth considering.

“I appreciate your honesty, Reagan. Truly. But I’m going to need some time to think this over.”

“That’s all I’m asking,” she said, nodding. “Just think about it. This is a way for us both to get what we want. I can tell you aren’t interested in a real marriage, anyway. Why not keep your freedom while still achieving your goals with the packs?”

It wasn’t a bad idea. Not at all. The more I considered it, the better it sounded. The idea of keeping Jessica, of not having to end… whatever this was, appealed to me more than anything. I didn’t know what might happen between us in the future, but I wasn’t ready to toss it away either.

“I’ll have to take some time and give it some thought,” I told her. “But I’m not saying no just yet.”

Reagan smiled, tucking her dark hair behind her ears and nodding. “Good. Take your time. Don’t make a rush decision. But I can tell you this… I’ll make a damn good council member, and you’d have the Pacific Northwest pack on your side.”

I walked her back to her room, leaving her with promises to think about all we’d talked about. Then I went back to my office, my mind reeling. Could this be the solution I’ve been looking for?

I hadn’t wanted any of this in the first place. I wasn’t interested in any of the girls in a romantic way, and I dreaded the idea of having to choose one as my mate. But the more I thought about it, the more I saw how this could work in my favor. It would buy me some time and could potentially help Holden and I achieve everything we were working so hard for.

There was no law stating I had to fully mate with the winner—I didn’t have to give anyone the claiming bite to seal the mate bond. I was only supposed to propose and make someone my mate by law. Reagan and I could live separate lives, and she wouldn’t care if I continued figuring out what this was between Jessica and me.

Her words came back to me now as I paced my office. She thought I was in love with Jessica. I wouldn’t go that far—hell, I didn’t even know what love was—but I wasn’t willing to give Jess up just yet, either.

The more I thought about Reagan’s suggestion, the better it sounded. I wasn’t one to make a rash decision, though. It was something I’d need to think about for a while, and I’d need to talk it through with Jessica as well.

Feeling lighter than I had in a long time at the prospect of not tying my life to a woman I didn’t care for, I sat down at my desk. Amelia had returned my email, updating me on what she was dealing with back home—not everyone was on board with her being alpha yet, but that was to be expected when breaking with tradition.

Before I called it a night, I decided to eliminate another contestant. I contacted Ashley’s assistant, surprised that this time the elimination felt like a step toward freedom rather than one more nail in my coffin. Only seven women remained.

I went to bed, mulling over everything that happened tonight, feeling a flicker of hope for the first time since all this began. Maybe my life as I knew it wasn’t coming to an end. Perhaps Reagan’s proposition was exactly what I needed to keep my freedomandachieve all my goals.