Page 2 of The Forbidden Mate

I laughed, hoping to keep the mood light. The last thing I wanted was for my team to be too tense as we walked into the unknown. Best to keep a clear head in situations like this.

“Okay, men. Let’s do this.”

Stripping down and tucking our clothes into leather pouches strapped around our chests, we all shifted.

It felt good to let go and allow my wolf to take over. I hadn’t had time to go for a run today, and as the shift ripped through me—bones breaking and reforming, jaw elongating, full of razor-sharp teeth lengthening as golden fur sprouted along my spine before spreading out to cover my wolf form—I relished the feeling of pure power coursing through me. Nothing compared to the raw strength of my beast and the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

Ready?I asked the team, communicating through the shared bond that was only accessible in wolf form.

Let’s go. Holden stood next to me, and as one, our unit moved through the forest. The scent of the sea hung in the air, thick and familiar, but these woods and the vast ocean beyond were nothing like our home. The terrain was precarious, rocky cliffs with sheer drops forcing us to go slower than I would have liked.

Still, it wasn’t long until the small town that was the Central Pacific pack’s headquarters became visible from our position high on a rocky cliff. The sun was still above the horizon this far west, and I was able to make out some details.

A wide trail had been carved from the rock itself, leading from the top of the cliff down to a lagoon protected by land on three sides. Massive rocks jutted up from the sea like giant fingers stretching toward the cloudless sky. Waves crashed with a mighty force further out, but the lagoon itself was relatively calm. Brightly painted clapboard homes lined the coast, coated with a layer of sea salt.

From this vantage point, I could see the entirety of the small town, including the town square where the brawl had taken place. The ground was covered in blood, littered with bodies in both human and wolf forms. Medics swarmed the area, busily attending to the wounded, but I was certain our presence wouldn’t go unnoticed for long.

There was only one way down from here—the switchback trail that would leave us exposed. It was lined with homes as well, and I had no doubt there would be guards patrolling the only way in.

Shall we?I inclined my head toward the path, and Holden nodded. We’d barely begun our descent when—as expected—a pair of massive gray wolves stepped silently from the trees and blocked our way, their blue eyes glinting.

Holden shifted immediately, stepping forward. I stayed by his side, but he held up a hand. “It’s okay. We have no enemies here.”

The wolves exchanged a glance, recognizing the North American alpha, but they didn’t back down. There were more wolves nearby—I could scent them—but they weren’t revealing their presence yet. We had good relations with the Central Pacific pack. The death of their alpha had them on edge

“I received a call from your beta, Flynn,” Holden said, his tone a mix of authority and concern. “We’re here to help.”

The wolves looked at each other again then one of them shifted, standing to face Holden.

“I'm Marco.” He inclined his head in respect. “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“It was the only thing to do. Can you take me to Flynn?”

Marco nodded. “Follow me. It will be easiest in wolf form.”

The two shifted back, and then we began to pick our way carefully down the steep cliffside trail. As we reached the bottom, Marco leading us toward the town square, every eye turned to watch us. Holden shifted back to human form, and I followed suit after directing the rest of the men to stay in wolf form until I could properly assess the situation.

“Holden,” a tall, dark-haired man said, striding toward us from where he’d been speaking with a small group of elders. Then he glanced at me. “Garrett. Thank you both for coming.”

“What happened here today, Flynn?” Holden’s mouth was set in a grim line. “So many casualties.”

Flynn blew out a heavy breath, his eyes full of shadows. “Something I hope you never have to experience for yourself. Pack members are turning on each other. Friend against friend, family against family.” His jaw ticked. “Alpha against beta.”

I inhaled sharply, cutting my eyes to Holden, but his face was a hard mask, totally unreadable. The only reason I knew how hard that was for him to hear was because I knew him as well as I knew myself.

“I’m going to need more than that.” Holden glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the wolves that had come with us. “But first, is everything secure? Are you still facing a threat? We’re here to help.”

Flynn shook his head. “No. The threat has been eliminated. It’s over.”

Holden nodded once at me, and I turned to my team. “See where you’re needed. Help where you can.”

Our wolves shifted and dispersed, leaving just the three of us to speak privately.

“Vincent lost his way, Holden,” Flynn said quietly, that haunted look still on his face. “Greed and corruption took hold.”

Tension spread through my muscles; memories of another corrupt alpha were still fresh. I narrowed my eyes. “What was his end game? Power?”

Holden glanced at me. He was thinking the same thing: Did we have another faction looking to stage a coup?