Page 26 of The Forbidden Mate

I lifted my hands. “I swear. I mean, sure, I’ve enjoyed my fair share of dates, but it’s not like I’m out every night with a new woman.”

“Okay, fair enough,” she conceded. “But surely you have some ideas.”

“I’m up for most things. Dancing. Sports. Games. Anything active is good. That will give me a chance to get to know the girls without any romantic pressure. Plus, it will show me who might be a good match for my interests.”

“Good, good,” she said, taking notes. “What specifically would you like to see for an active date?”

“Beach volleyball.”

She wrinkled her nose, grinning. “Really?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” Jessica shook her head. “I guess I just never pictured you as the beach volleyball kind of guy.”

I shrugged. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

She bit down on her bottom lip and stared at me, but didn’t say anything else. For a moment, I wished we had the opportunity to get to know each other without the Contention looming over us.

Maybe that was why I found myself elaborating, wanting to talk about something else with her.

“When I was a kid, my parents always took me to the beach for family vacations. My mother grew up on the west coast, and she missed it. I remember how we’d spend the entire day out by the water, playing games and having a good time.” I shrugged. “Beach volleyball was always my favorite.”

“I’ve never seen you play here,” she said.

“I guess life as a kid was less complicated. I have more responsibilities to attend to now. Less time to indulge.” I grinned. “Maybe I’m not looking forward to everything about this Contention, but at least I can try to have some fun along the way, right?”

Jessica stared at me for a moment then smiled and shook her head as she scribbled on her notepad. “Okay, beach volleyball it is. How can I say no to that? What else should I know about what you do and don’t like?”

“Just keep things easy and simple. How about that? I don’t need anything fancy or over the top. Honestly, if all the dates could feel like this tonight, that would be perfect. Romantic, but not cheesy or painful to attend. Good conversation, good food… what?”

She’d stopped writing and was staring at me now, but she gave herself a shake. “Nothing. Just that this isn’t, in fact, a date.”

“Uh huh, sure it isn’t.” I grinned and winked at her, my smile widening when she turned that lovely shade of pink.

“It’s not!” she insisted. “Absolutely not. You honestly think I’d trick you into coming on a date with me while disguising it as business?”

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”

Jessica sputtered, seemingly unable to find the right words.

I laughed then reached out and placed a hand over hers. “Jess, relax. I’m totally messing with you.”

She glared at me. “I knew that.”

I couldn’t resist one more jab. It was almost too easy. “Sure you did.”


Just then, our food arrived, putting an end to my teasing. I was starving. The food smelled so delicious that I dove right in. “This is amazing. Seriously.” I smirked. “Like I said, a date like this would be perfect.”

This time, Jessica just rolled her eyes. “You’re incorrigible.”

We continued our meal, discussing the finer details of potential dates as we ate. The conversation was easy and relaxed, and I was surprised to find myself disappointed when the night ended.

“I do have some more questions about other aspects of the Contention…” she said, glancing at a slender gold watch on her wrist “… but I’m afraid they’ll have to wait. I need to get back to my office and work out the specifics. Can we meet again tomorrow for breakfast?”

“Absolutely. And Jess?”