Page 24 of The Forbidden Mate

With time winding down until the women showed up at the estate, she wanted to discuss some details of how things would go down. While I still wasn’t thrilled about the Contention, I appreciated that she was considering my wants and desires.

Holden hadn’t had much of a say in his own. At least, if I had to go through with this, it would be somewhat on my own terms. That’s what I was telling myself, anyway.

I hadn’t seen Jessica since we'd finalized the contestants three days ago. When I’d asked Kayden about her at dinner last night, she said Jess had been running herself ragged, making sure everything was perfect. I didn’t like the sound of that. Sure, I wanted things to go smoothly, but not at the expense of her rest or sanity. I’d have to speak to her about it tonight.

While we’d been friendly ever since she’d come to live here permanently after Holden’s Contention ended, we’d developed what I considered a real fledgling friendship over the past weeks. I respected her, even if I’d been angry with her, and how she was handling this situation was admirable. She’d thrown herself in wholeheartedly and was giving it her all.

I’d wondered more than once recently what might have happened if we’d become friends sooner. Would she have been more cautious with her words, not signing me up for this Contention against my will? Perhaps we would have found even more than friendship. As much as I’d tried to ignore it, the desire to be near her, to flirt with her and tease her, had been strong.

Even now, rounding a bend and catching sight of her underneath the pergola, I had the strangest urge to come up behind her, push her hair aside, and press my lips to her neck to see if her skin felt as soft as it looked. I shook the errant thought away, taking in the view.

The top of the pergola was strung with dozens of sparkling lights that hadn’t been there the last time I ventured out this way. The sound of waves crashing against the shore drowned out the sound of my footsteps, and I took my time approaching, my gaze roving over the work Jess had done to transform the place.

A round table draped in a white tablecloth was in the center of the pergola. A simple but elegant flower arrangement took center stage, three tall pillar candles embedded with pressed roses encircling it. Two table settings of antique glassware and fine china were set up. I was surprised at the romantic elegance of it all and paused to watch as Jessica fussed with the decor.

She turned the flower arrangement then stepped back and tilted her head, tapping a finger to her chin. Then she shook her head slightly, moving close again to turn it back the other way. After regarding it once more, she moved the candles this way and that. I couldn’t really tell a difference as I watched her agonize over the details. I grinned in amusement as I snuck up behind her with the same stealth I might use before an attack.

“Are you always this obsessive or are you trying to impress me?” I whispered in her ear.

She squeaked and jumped, whirling around to stare at me with wide eyes, her mouth agape. “Garrett!” She smacked my arm. “You scared me!”

I cocked my head. “You’re avoiding the question.”

The lighting may have been dim, but I didn’t miss her cheeks turning pink. “I was just practicing a setup for one of the dates I have planned for you.”

“Sure you were,” I teased, but I felt a tiny flicker of disappointment that she hadn’t done this for me. Well, not in the way I had hoped, ridiculous as that was. And it certainly was ridiculous—I had to remember I would be meeting fifteen other women who were vying for my heart in just a matter of days.

She waved away my comment. “Seriously, what do you think?”

The way her eyes were fixed on me in anticipation, and how she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, told me that she truly did want me to like her work.

“It’s beautiful, Jess,” I told her truthfully, though my eyes were on her as I said it, taking in her long-sleeved, knee-length dress in a shade of pale green that made her highlights pop in contrast. It took more effort than I should have to bring my gaze back to her face rather than admire how the nipped-in waist highlighted her curves. I was glad I’d dressed up in khakis and a button-down shirt. “Sweet and subtle. Pretty but not in a too-obvious way.” Much like her. “Nice job.”

She smiled, relief washing over her delicate features. “Oh, I’m so glad you think so. I think I’ll use this same setup for a one-on-one date.”

I frowned at the reminder then moved toward the table, pulling out a chair for her and sketching a bow. “Shall we?”

She giggled. “Thank you, good sir.”

Once she was seated, I rounded the table to my own seat across from her. But as I was about to sit, I realized I wouldn’t be able to fully see her over the centerpiece, so I pulled my chair around to her side.

She raised a brow as I moved my table setting as well. I shrugged. “I don’t want to mess up your lovely work when the food arrives.”

She seemed satisfied with my excuse, so I sat and gave her a grin as I stretched my legs out and leaned back in the chair. A kitchen staff member appeared with a basket of bread and a bottle of wine as soon as I had settled.

“Might I interest you in an appetizer, Mr. Kingsman? Ms. Martin?”

He handed us menus, and we both glanced at them then at each other, saying in unison, “Shrimp cocktail?”

“Perfect.” The server vanished as quickly as he’d appeared, and I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn’t actually a date but a business meeting. The odd thing was, I almost wanted it to be a date, and these kinds of dates weren’t even really my style.

“How was your day?” Jessica asked, grabbing a dinner roll and buttering it.

“Really good, actually. Holden and I made a lot of progress on preparing for the law seminar. I think it’s going to go well.” I reached for the bottle of wine, pouring us each a glass, and then lifted mine in the air. “To progress.”

“To progress,” she echoed, a smile spreading over her face. “I’m so happy to hear that. I know how important this first step is to you guys.”

“Yeah.” I took a sip of wine. “If we can just get everyone on board, who knows what we can accomplish.”