Page 35 of The Forbidden Mate

Unfortunately, I wasn’t making much progress, even though I’d been up most of the night, unable to sleep. By the time it was three a.m., I’d decided working was more productive than tossing and turning. The problem was that I couldn’t focus. My gaze kept drifting to the three dozen roses that had been waiting for me in my office when I’d gotten in on Tuesday morning.

At first, I hadn’t known what to think. The memory of the kiss in the alcove came to mind—the kiss I hadn’t stopped thinking about the entire night before. What had it meant? Why had he done it?

And, dear God, why had it been so freaking epic? The minute Garrett's lips had touched mine, I’d melted, unable to think. I could not do anything except revel in the pure pleasure of my wildest fantasies coming true.

All too soon, though, reality had sunk in. He couldn’t kiss me! Not when there were fifteen—well, fourteen now—other women vying for his hand. Except he had, and I’d had trouble focusing on anything since.

Two sleepless nights, and two jam-packed days, and I hadn’t been able to get the kiss off my mind. It was wrong. He wasn’t mine. Never would be. But my heart kept insisting how right it was, despite my rational brain knowing better.

For the umpteenth time, I stood from my desk and wandered over to the table where I’d arranged the flower vases, inhaling the roses’ rich scent deeply. Had he known they were my favorite? While some might find that basic, I considered roses to be elegant, timeless, and exceedingly romantic.

His note, however, hadn’t the slightest indication of romance. I flipped the card over, rereading the words I’d already memorize.


I hope you accept these flowers as a token of my sincerest apologies. You were right—I must do better. For my alpha and my pack. Thank you, not only for setting me straight, but for working so hard to make this easier on me.



He hadn’t apologized for kissing me, though. In fact, he hadn’t mentioned it at all. Sometimes I wondered if it had been my imagination—a hallucination due to lack of sleep. But I knew that wasn’t the case, even if Garrett had been acting as if it had never happened.

Over the past two days, he’d been an ideal bachelor, smiling that charming grin, conversing with all the women as if he’d never had a doubt in his mind that this was what he wanted. I knew he hadn’t had such an abrupt change of heart—not after the way he’d erupted on Monday night or how much he had resisted this Contention right up to when the contestants arrived.

But no one would ever know it, watching him now, playing his part to perfection.

I sighed, realizing I was absentmindedly stroking my lips. I abruptly dropped my hand and returned to my desk. I simply had to get some work done. The challenge was four days away, and I’d barely made any progress. Willow told me I should leave the details up to the game makers, and let them come up with the challenge on their own. I had enough on my plate already.

But it wasn’t in my nature to leave things alone. I wanted this first challenge to be perfect, and to go as smoothly as possible. After all, if I were going to help Garrett find his perfect mate, the challenges were key in showcasing the women’s strengths and weaknesses. They were what had set Kayden apart in the beginning, and I knew Garrett was hoping for the same.

Sitting back down in my plush, white leather chair, I skimmed the notes from the previous game makers, hoping to get some insight into what type of games would best highlight the contestants’ leadership skills. Garrett needed a smart woman, someone who could match his intellect. Not some frivolous girl who couldn’t think for herself.

If I were being honest, he’d been right to dismiss Kylie. Of all the women, I’d been the least impressed with her. I just didn’t agree with the way he’d gone about it. He’d undermined all my hard work then gone and tried to wipe it away with a kiss…

Damn it!I was doing it again. I huffed out a frustrated breath and stood from my desk. Maybe a change of scenery would help clear my head. There were very few shifters, other than the guards who patrolled at night, who would be up this early in the morning. Perhaps a peaceful walk around the grounds would help.

Making my way down the grand staircase, I nodded to the guards I passed along the way then headed out the southern doors, breathing in the cool air. Spring was here, but it was often still cold, especially in the wee hours. Pulling my cashmere wrap sweater more tightly around my body, I set off on a casual stroll along one of the many paths, staring up at the starry sky. The moon had already made its descent, and with the lack of light pollution out here on the secluded estate grounds, the night sky was quite majestic.

I was so caught up in the view that I almost didn’t notice another person coming my way along the path. I stopped, squinting as I recognized the female form jogging at a steady pace.


The new female alpha had been staying here ever since she’d first earned the title. She was the first who would go through Holden and Garrett’s new training program. I hadn’t seen her around much, but I’d been busy planning the Contention.

“Hey, Jessica.” She slowed down then stopped as he reached me. “Pretty early for you to be out here.”

I arched a brow and gave her a friendly smile. “I could say the same thing about you. Are you okay?” I glanced behind her on the path, but she was all alone.

Amelia nodded, but I could see the tension on her pretty, delicate features. “I just can’t sleep sometimes. My mind is always back home with my pack, and I worry about them constantly. Things were in such upheaval when I left. I can’t help but be anxious about how they’re doing and what’s happening while I’m away.” She shrugged, but her eyes tightened at the corners. Poor thing.

“Come sit,” I told her, gesturing to one of the many benches that could be found along the paths. “Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to get it off your chest and out into the world.”

Amelia gave a grateful smile. “That would be awesome, actually. I’ve felt a bit out of place since I came here. Kayden is great, of course. She’s been giving me lots of advice. But there aren’t many other women here who I can talk to—and I don’t think the enforcers know what to make of me. They’ve never dealt with a female alpha before.”

I laughed. “That they haven’t. But from what I can tell, and what I’ve heard, you’re committed to doing what’s right for your pack—putting them above all else. I don’t think there’s a better trait for an alpha to have.”

“Thanks for saying that.” Amelia sighed, rolling her head and shoulders, but she didn’t look any less tense. “I’ve just never been a true leader before. I watched my family as I grew up, so I know what it takes to be a leader. But knowing and doing are two very different things.”