Page 26 of Razor's Flame

“Well…” My wife sits up and smiles down at me. “I’m glad you feel that way.” She leans over and nibbles on my earlobe. “Because we have already proven that breastfeeding isn’t an effective form of birth control.” I blink several times, and my ears buzz as her meaning becomes clear.

“You’re already pregnant?” I want to make sure I’m not misunderstanding her.

“It would seem that you knocked me up again right away.” Adalynn doesn’t appear upset, but I need to make sure.

“And you’re happy about it?” Reaching between our bodies, I run my hand over her slightly rounded stomach. I can’t wait to watch her grow round with our next child.

“Ecstatic.” Adalyn smiles at me. “I’m really glad we listened to Rafe and designed the house with six bedrooms.” When the architect recommended building such a large home, my wife balked, but I convinced her to go with his suggestion.

“It might not be enough.” I pull her soft body close, making my intentions clear. “I plan to knock you up many more times.”

“We’ll only have three more bedrooms after this little one gets here,” she reminds me, but I won’t let that stop me. I already have alternate plans in mind.

“I made sure Rafe designed the house so it can easily be added onto. We’ll just add another wing with several more bedrooms.” I watch my wife’s eyes widen like saucers.

“Uh.” She sits up as our son starts fussing in his bassinet. “Exactly how many children are you wanting?” Adalynn reaches for our son and hugs him close.

“We’ll fill up all the rooms and see how we feel.” I don’t want to overwhelm her.

She hands me the tiny baby. “Will you change him while I clean up?”

“Anything for you.” I kiss his soft cheek and head over to the temporary diaper-changing station we set up in the huge walk-in closet. My son tries his best to pee on me, but I’ve learned the little stinker’s tricks. I hold the diaper over his weapon until I have the new one under his little rear end. One full-frontal drenching was enough to last me a lifetime.

Adalynn is sitting up against the headboard when I return and hand her our son. “Did he try to get you?” She glances at my chest, looking for evidence that the tiny sprinkler struck again.

“He tried but I’m onto his tricks.” She sits up and lets me slide in behind her. My wife knows that holding her curvy body against mine while she feeds our little man is my favorite part of the night.

“I love you.” Adalynn melts back against my chest as the baby latches on and makes happy noises.

“I love you, too.” I kiss the side of her neck. “Our flame will burn forever.”

Life doesn’t get any better than this.



Five Years Later

“We’re moving,” Razor growls, stomping into our bedroom.

I lift my head from the pillow to look at him, heat unfurling in my belly. He’s so damn sexy when he’s cranky. And now that our three-year-old twin daughters are in daycare full-time during the week, he’salwayscranky.

“Why this time?” I ask.

He narrows those ocean eyes on me. His dark scowl only makes him hotter. I swear this caveman ages like wine. The older he gets, the better he looks. And tastes. And feels.

I love him more and more every day. I never question if he feels the same way about me. He doesn’t leave any doubts in my mind. Even when the whole world is looking at him, he only sees me and our babies. My caveman is ours, heart and soul.

“Your daughter says she has a boyfriend,” he growls. “A boyfriend!” He rips his shirt off over his head. “She’s fucking three, Adalynn.”

I bite my lip to hide a smile.

Alexis is obsessed with Jude and Devin Despora’s son, Duke. They’re in the same class together in daycare. According to their teacher, they’re joined at the hip. It’s driving Razor insane.

“It’s not funny,” he says, his scowl deepening.

“She’s three,” I remind him.