Page 23 of Razor's Flame

“Okay.” She sighs against the side of my neck before biting down. Feeling her sharp little teeth dig into my skin drives me out of my mind. Knowing I’m not going to last much longer, I make sure to press on her clit with each hard thrust. Her tight inner muscles ripple around my erection, and I let myself fucking go. My release jets deep inside her wet pussy, and a vision of tiny dark-haired little angels flashes behind my eyes.

“I love you,” I growl as I pump more baby batter deep into her cunt. “You’re never getting away from me.”

Once the last drop pulses from my cock, I roll over and pull her limp body on top of mine. Still connected.

Adalynn places her chin on my chest and stares into my eyes. “And you’re never getting away from me,” she agrees. “As long as we’re on the same page.”

“Pretty baby, we’re in this together. Forever.”

* * *

Ilived my worst nightmare, and I refuse to ever go through that shit again. Needing to kick things into overdrive, I start looking into housing in Silver Spoon Falls. Bender helps me find a realtor who specializes in what I’m looking for. Unfortunately, there are very few available properties in Silver Spoon Falls.

One of Bender’s MC brothers, Rafe “Lynch” Soracco, is a talented architect. He agrees to design my girl’s dream house, but it will take time. At least a year. We find the perfect secluded property on the outskirts of town and get the process started. In the meantime, we’re living in her tiny apartment, but that won’t work once all my equipment arrives from California. When Cash Montoya, the Silver Spoon MC President, offers to let us lease one of his bank’s corporate apartments, we jump on it.

“I can’t believe we’re moving into a penthouse apartment.” Adalynn wraps her soft arms around my waist as we watch the movers work. “I feel bad watching them do all the work while I stand around.”

“I’m not letting you carry heavy shit.” I’m not willing to negotiate on this matter. After all, I’ve been working my ass off trying to knock her little ass up. It might be too early to do a test, but I know in my heart we’ve hit the jackpot. “I caved when you wanted to continue working,” I remind her. My independent girl refuses to “take money” from me. We negotiated and came up with a solution we’re both happy with. She works a couple nights a week while I sit at the end of the bar watching her like a hawk.

Adalynn was a little irked when I hired a bodyguard to make sure there’s always a second set of eyes on my goddess, but I licked her pussy until she was more agreeable.

A few days ago, I came up with the perfect solution to make us equal partners in everything. I called my lawyer and arranged to give my goddess half of everything I own. Tomorrow, the lawyer is coming by to deliver the papers.

“I don’t think unpacking a few boxes would hurt anything.” Adalynn places her hands on her curvy hips and huffs at me.

“You point where you want things and let the movers do their job.” I kiss her soft forehead. “And I’ll thank you a little later.” I wiggle my eyebrows and watch a blush move up my goddess’ neck. “With my tongue,” I whisper in her ear. Her soft moan and the heat shining from her eyes cause my cock to turn rock-hard.

“Promises, promises.” She glances over her shoulder and winks. I smack her curvy ass as she walks over to give instructions to one of the movers. I step over and stand next to her, making sure there’s not a question in anyone’s mind about who she belongs to.

A two-carat diamond ring has been burning a hole in my pocket, but I haven’t found the right time to slip it on Adalynn’s finger. Once we finish this move, I plan to give her the ring and my last name.



“Ileave for a month to teach football camp and come home to you shacking up with a rockstar,” Garrett complains, eyeing me over the bar with a scowl on his face. With his green eyes narrowed and his lips pulled down into a frown, he looks so much like our dad it’s unreal.

He’s grumpy and overprotective, also just like him. As soon as Razor told him what’s been going on around here, he got pissed. I had to distract him with beer to keep him from marching down to the jail to bail Roger out just so he and Razor could take turns breaking his arms.

I have a feeling the two of them are going to be ganging up against me a lot. Which means Garrett really needs to find a girlfriend or a wife or a boyfriend or whoever he’s into soon. I need reinforcements.

“I didn’t want to worry you,” I say.

“What the fuck, Adalynn?”

“I echo his sentiment,” Razor says, shrugging when I look to him for help. He’s not thrilled that I never told my brother about the Roger situation either. Of course, he’s no help. He’s the chatty Cathy who blabbed in the first place.

“I planned to tell you. Eventually,” I mutter.

Garrett and Razor both scowl at me.

I huff and throw up my hands. “It’s way too early in our relationship for the two of you to be on the same side. Aren’t you supposed to hate him on principle?” I ask, glaring at Garrett. “I’m shacking up with him, remember?”

“What the fuck, Adalynn?” Razor says.

Garrett smirks, lifting his beer to his lips. “It’s hard to hate a man who has you under lock and key.” He nods to the bodyguard standing at the end of the bar. Callum Carmichael is a freaking giant. The bar closed an hour ago, but he still stands like he expects someone to jump out and grab me at any moment.

I appreciate how serious Razor is about keeping me safe, but Roger is still in jail, and I’ve never felt safer. After everything happened, I talked to a therapist a few times. Razor and I both agreed it was a good idea. Talking it through helped put everything into perspective for me. It made coming back to work a lot easier, too.