Page 72 of Complete Me

He exhales, then continues, “You were happy… to a point. Callie seemed content, and that was enough for me.” He rubs the back of his neck. “All I ever wanted was what was best for you and your mother, Aiden. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but to be brutally honest, I’m delighted it’s come out now. Maybe we can move forward and get on with our relationship in whatever capacity you want that to be,” he confesses.

I look at Mike, he’s happy to have me in his life in any way he can have me, and that makes a small part of me ecstatically happy.

“Thanks, Mike, I’m working on it. I’m still trying to process, so give me some time, and I’m sure I’ll be okay. I guess I feel like my life, and the torment I went through with Niall, was all for nothing, especially when I could’ve been spending quality time with you instead of being dominated by Niall. Yes, I looked up to him, but so did Bree and Killian, as any kid does to their father. I would’ve looked up to you like that, too, Mike, if I’d have known.”

Mike sniffs. I look across at him and see his eyes are brimming with unshed tears. “Do you really think so?”

“I know so,” I say honestly as my line starts to pull.

“I think you got something there, Aiden.”

We both stand, and I try to reel in what feels like the heaviest fish I’ve ever caught on the lake.

The line is taut, and Mike laughs as I struggle to pull it in. The sound of Mike laughing makes me laugh, and he steps across to help me reel in the massive fish.

“I think you got the Loch Ness Monster on the end of that thing, son,” Mike chimes.

I freeze at the mention of the word ‘son.’

I look at him, he smiles, and I snap myself out of it just in time for the fish to slide out of the water. It’s a decent size, and Mike slaps me on the back.

“Great job, Aiden.”

We unhook the fish and then throw it back in the water.

A sense of nostalgia washes over me of every single moment I’ve spent with Mike up until now. He’s been my rock, my guiding light through every shitty moment I’ve ever had in my life.

Mike’s just been there.

He’s been my greatest support.

He stood by me.

My heart warms with love for the man I’ve held nothing but unwavering adoration for my entire life.

Mike means everything to me.


“Thanks, Mike, for everything.”

He smiles, and his eyes well up again as do mine.

I place the rod down.

Mike steps closer as his tears flow over and down his cheeks. “I love you, Aiden. I know it’s not very manly to say, but it’s true. You’re my son and nothing will change that fact. I don’t want anything to change between us. I know there’s tension, and I don’t blame you, but all I ask is for you to take some time and see that this isn’t all bad. Like I said, I love you, son, and I always have.”

Mike steps closer and throws his arms around me in a tight hug.

I feel awkward for a second or two, but then suddenly, the awkwardness dissipates, and I hug him back—man to man, father to son.

He sniffles and pulls back, wiping his cheeks with his forearm. I do the same, and then we both start laughing, obviously remembering the fish at the same time.

Mike slaps me on the back.

We set our lines for an afternoon of more fishing and bonding.

Spending time with Mike at the lake house was a great idea. I’m still a little uptight about it all. I think that’s only natural, but as far as getting to know Mike well, that’s been a successful mission.