Page 81 of All of Me

“Hey! It’s going to be all right. Chris doesn’t want anyone but you. You’re it for him. You have to believe that. And if you’re pregnant, I know he’ll be thrilled about it. Just think about what a great dad he’ll be.”

She half smiles. “Chris as a dad. Yeah, I can see him now with his little princess up on his shoulders walking her around and having his face painted along with hers at the fair. He’s going to love her so much.”

“Her?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

She nods adamantly. “Absolutely. If I’m pregnant, I’m not having a boy. No way. If it’s a boy, he can go back in. I don’t understand boys at all. No, she has to be a girl.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Okay, she’s a girl,” I say, and look down at my watch. “See, it won’t be that bad if you’re pregnant now, will it?”

She shrugs. “I guess not. It’ll be kinda cool having a little girl that I can dress up and play with.”

“She’s not a doll, Sarah,” I say, laughing. “Time’s up. Are you ready to find out?”

She tenses. “No,” she replies honestly.

“Do you want me to look?”

She shakes her head. “Nope,” she repeats, making me laugh.

“Well, one of us has to look,” I say, standing and taking her with me.

“We’ll do this together,” she says. Her whole body’s shaking through my hand as I walk with her over to the kitchen counter.

We look down at the tests in front of us.

They’re all displaying the exact same thing.

“Smiley faces… oh, thank God! They’re happy ‘cause I’m not pregnant, right?” she asks as I bite my bottom lip. She studies the other tests, and I let her absorb all the information she’s being shown.

“Two lines? What does that mean? Wait, I thought positive means yes? What the hell?”

I hold onto her hand tighter.

“Oh fuck, shit, tittie fucking, fuck… oh God, I think I’m gonna pass out.” Sarah’s face turns ghostly white. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her to the outside sofa by the pool.

“It’s all right. C’mon, let’s sit down.”

Sarah’s pregnant.

“Jeni, I’m freaking the fuck out.”

“I know, Sez, but it’ll be okay. I’m here and so is Aiden, and, of course, Chris. We’ll all help you, no matter what. And think about Trish, she’s been at you for years to give her a grandchild. She’ll be thrilled.”

“Fuck Mom and what she wants. Is this what I want?” she asks.

I shrug while tilting my head. “I don’t know, hon. Only you can answer that question.”

She huffs. “Chris is going to hate me.”

“Sarah, Chris will not hate you. Don’t freak out until you know how he feels. They should be home any minute, so you won’t have to wait long to tell him.”

Suddenly, I hear the front door shut, and Aiden and Chris laughing as they walk inside. Sarah looks at me wide-eyed, and I quickly jump up from the sofa and run to the kitchen only to be met by two burly males looking as white as sheets. They’re both staring at the masses of positive pregnancy tests sprawled out over the kitchen counter.

“Sooo not it,” Chris jokes, punching Aiden in the arm.

Aiden looks at me, and I swear I see him stop breathing.

“Great, just great,” Sarah yells and throws her arms in the air.