Page 78 of All of Me

“You’re right in one way, that man’s an unbelievably bad example of what a father should be. Look at what he did to you. To the woman I love. You’re so precious to me, Jeni. He can help himself. Sick or not, I’m not going near the old prick.”

Bree winces. She obviously feels sorry for her father. “I’m going to go see him and make sure he gets the best care. Now that Father’s mentally incapable of running the company, I guess this makes you president of O’Connell Finance…” she pauses, gauging Aiden’s response, “… that is, if you want it.”

Aiden frowns and looks down at his hands, and I can see he’s fighting an inner battle with himself.

“You need to go and help with your father’s arrangements. I can ask Mike to take me home, or I can go and see Callie until you’re done.”

“No, I won’t leave you again.”

“I’ll be here when you get back. Well, not here, but maybe at home with Callie and Mike. I’ll be fine.”

“No, I can’t. I’m sorry, Bree. You’ll have to ask Killian to help you. I’m not leaving Jeni. She needs me, and I need to be with her.”

Bree nods and leaves. I feel awful that Aiden has chosen me over Niall, but at the same time, I understand where he’s coming from.

Aiden seems distracted now. I know this is weighing on him, even if he tries to put a front.

“Aiden… you okay?”

“I just can’t focus. What would you like to do today?” he asks me.

“Let’s go home. I feel safe and loved there.”

Aiden picks me up, cradling me in his arms, and carries me out of the office.

I chuckle and shake my head. “You know, you don’t have to carry me.”

“I know,” he says matter-of-factly, carrying me into the elevator. I think he’s going to put me down, but no, he carries me through the main foyer with everyone looking at us and then down the stairs to the parking garage. I can’t help but smile the whole way as Aiden simply takes care of me.

Mike opens the car door, and Aiden slides me onto the back seat carefully. I’m sure he thinks at any moment I’m going to break.

For the rest of the day, we relax on the sofa, watching television.

“When do you want to see the psychologist again?” Aiden asks. “I’d like you to see her as soon as we can get an appointment.”

“I’ll call tomorrow,” I reply. “So, changing the subject, do you want to be president of O’Connell Finance?”

Aiden shrugs. “I guess it would be easier than starting our own business. With Father out of the picture, it’ll make working there bearable again.”

“So then, Mr. President, what are you going to do about a vice president?” I ask curiously.

“I was thinking of giving it to Brielle, if she wants the position. She knows the industry inside and out. She’s more than qualified, and she knows how everything works. I thought I might give her the chance that Father never did. This way we can keep it a family business.”

“Honestly, I think she’ll love that,” I reply.

Aiden and I decided we would take the entire week off work. So today, seeing as Sarah and Chris are both off as well, we decide to spend the day together. Aiden and Chris are out playing a round of golf.

Could they be more boring?

Sarah and I are hanging out at home doing girlie stuff like watching The Notebook and crying like babies. We’re in the theater room halfway through watching the gorgeous Ryan Gosling doing swoon-worthy things to Rachael McAdams when Sarah starts to cry. I look over at her and giggle. I know the breakup scene is coming, and we know the movie so well that she’s pre-empting the scene.

“I know… I hate this next part, too,” I say as I take her hand.

She bursts into a full-on river of ugly face crying tears.

“Oh, hun, what’s up?” I ask, trying not to laugh at her.

She shakes her head and crosses her arms over her chest. “This is fucked up,” she says, making me laugh. “Don’t laugh, it’s not funny,” she says being completely serious.