Page 38 of All of Me


Jeni xoxo

I send the email and continue with my work, waiting for her reply.

To: Jenifer Taylor

From: Brielle O’Connell

Subject: Re: Re: Counseling

Of course, I’ll come with you.

The appointment is Friday at 1:00 pm. We can head over there and grab a quick bite to eat after. The appointment takes an hour, so we will be a little late getting back. Father can deal with that when the time comes.

Bree xo

When I look over at her, she smiles back in understanding, then we both get back to work. I feel confident with Bree’s choice of psychologist for me.

It’s close to two, and the Anderson’s will be here for their scheduled meeting soon.

The elevator chimes, and I look up to see the Anderson group walk in. I notice Erik smiling so wide I can see all of his perfectly straight white teeth. He walks with that strut, straight over to my desk, taking a seat on the edge. “Hey, Jeni, I didn’t think you worked here anymore? Although, I am glad you’re back. I was disappointed when I saw someone else at your desk, who was nowhere near as gorgeous and friendly as you are.”

He’s going straight for it, then?

I remember Aiden saying that he thought Erik had a crush on me, and he was hoping I was single. I can’t help but smile, being admired does all sorts of things for a girl’s self-esteem.

“Thanks, Erik, I’m glad to be back.”

“So…” he cocks his head to the side, giving me a gigantic cocky smirk, “… why’d you leave in the first place?”

I open my mouth to answer, but Aiden’s office door swings open. He walks out noticing Erik sitting on my desk, so he strides over. “Erik,” his tone is curt as he puts out his hand and they shake.

“Hey, Aiden. Good to see you. You’ve made the right decision bringing back Jeni. I never liked that other girl. She was moody and dressed weird. Not like Jeni at all, who always looks perfect.” Erik smiles on the last word, almost as if he’s gushing, and if I am being honest, it surprises me.

Aiden stiffens his posture, glaring at Erik, who’s still looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

“Tori was a lovely person. She passed away. As for Jeni, you’re right, she is perfect. But just so you know, she has a fiancé who loves her very much,” Aiden grumbles.

I scowl at Aiden, but he looks away, knowing he’ll be in trouble for this damn pissing contest he’s having with Erik, who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.

“Oh, I never knew Tori passed away.” He winces. “Shit! I’m so sorry to hear that.” He glances at me and down to my left hand to take in the sight of my ring. “I’m also sorry to hear Jeni’s taken, too. But I’m not surprised.” A smirk appears on his face. “Doesn’t mean I can’t admire her from afar, though. Does it?” he asks, winking at me. Erik stands and walks off toward the boardroom.

Aiden stays with me but stares daggers into hi

s back. I’m sure if Aiden wasn’t the consummate professional, he would throw a real one.

I fold my arms over my chest. “Aiden, that was rude,” I whisper.

“Yeah, he should keep his mouth in check.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Stop with the pissing contest. Give the guy a chance and stop banging your chest like an angry ape.” I give him a warm smile. “You know I love you, and you know how important trust is to me. So trust me that Erik and his little flirtations aren’t going to go anywhere. Remember what happened with Chris and look at you two now.” Aiden glances at me. “Don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize the account. Your father hates me as it is, so don’t give him a damn reason to detest me even more. Please?”

Aiden exhales, but his expression softens. “I trust you, baby, I always have. It’s Erik I don’t trust. After the shit that happened with Jason, honestly, I don’t want anyone near you who doesn’t have to be.” He turns and grabs my hands in his. “You’re so precious to me, Jeni. I can’t take the risk of losing you again. I have no idea about Erik’s character. You understand, don’t you?”

“Aiden, I’ll never leave you again. I told you that, and I meant it. Nothing and no one will tear us apart. I’m yours. Always. As for Erik’s character, you have enough security on me that I feel very safe. Stop worrying.” I notice Brielle from the corner of my eye, watching us.

“Okay, but I won’t let him openly flirt with you in front of me. I’ll tell him who I am to you if he tries anything,” he warns.