Page 11 of All of Me

Damn, she must be his new personal assistant.

“Bree,” I call out.

Her eyes widen with excitement as she looks at me and points. “He’s in the boardroom.”

Puffing loudly, I swing the door open wide and step in. A room full of businessmen glance up and stare at me, including Niall, who has a look of complete and utter disgust written all over his face.

I look directly at Aiden, who’s glaring at me. “Aiden, I’m so sorry…” I pant a few times trying to catch my breath, “… I love you,” I spill out in front of a boardroom full of clients. I bend over and rest my hands on my knees breathing heavily.

Aiden exhales calmly. “Excuse me.” He walks over, takes me by the arm, and guides me away from the boardroom. A spark ignites the second he touches me, sending a shiver up my spine and a jolt straight between my legs. We haven’t lost that pull, that energy between us. It’s still there.

“Jeni, you’ve just burst in on an important meeting.” He can’t look me in the eye, and anxiety starts to seep into my veins like a shadow of dread.

“Did you hear what I said, Aiden? I’m so sorry for being such an idiot and blaming you. It’s not your fault, I get that now. It’s no one’s fault. I’m sorry! I don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner. Can we just—”

“You broke me,” he interrupts loudly. I grimace, shaking my head slightly. “You. Broke. Me, Jeni,” he reiterates, this time in a softer voice but with his head hanging down.

My chest constricts at his hard-hitting words. Everyone in the boardroom is watching as Brielle and the pretty PA are listening in on our conversation.

I rub at my throat because it feels like it’s closing. My breathing quickens, but it’s so shallow I wonder if I’m inhaling any oxygen at all. “Aiden, I’m so sorry.” I take hold of his hand as tears well in my eyes in despair of the situation I’m now finding myself in.

I am too late!

Aiden pulls away. “I can’t, Jeni. I’m leaving.”

My skin flushes icy cold as I watch him in shock.

He can’t leave.

“Where are you going?” I ask, a single tear runs down my cheek.


“I thought your father was taking that trip?” In confusion, I shake my head slightly.

“He was, but then I said I’d go when you…” he sighs, “… left me. Jeni, I’m moving there.”

The floor opens up like an endless chasm, darkness swirls beneath, and my heart falls down into its depths, crushing it into dust. My mouth drops open in disbelief as my entire body shakes violently.

I’m going to lose him forever.

“When?” It comes out as a breathy whimper.

He bites his bottom lip, still not looking at me. “Tomorrow.”

As a wave of unimaginable regret surges through me, I stumble on the spot, almost losing my footing.

“I think you should go.”

Aiden’s voice is cold.



He turns and heads into his office.

As he closes the door, I stumble again. He seems to have closed the door on us as well. Not being able to move, the heaviness of this information weighs me down on the spot, while everyone stares at me. For some stupid reason, I simply stand and continue to stare at his closed office door, hoping and praying that it will reopen, and he will walk back out to me saying everything will be okay.