I nod my head with a smirk. “Yes, we’re back together. And you’ll have to put up with me here at work, too.”
She squeals and hugs me tightly. “It’s about time. I was starting to get really worried that you guys would never work it out. You are both so damn stubborn.”
“Is Father here?” Aiden asks abruptly.
“Yes. And he’s in a really great mood, too.” Her tone is clearly sarcastic.
I roll my eyes. Is that asshole ever in a good mood?
Niall steps out of his office, sees me, and immediately his neck turns bright red. So red, in fact, I think if it continues up to his face, he will have a damn stroke. His lips purse together as he furrows his brows. “What is that doing here?” He waves his hand in a shooing motion toward me.
Aiden’s face ignites in the most vibrant shade of red, and his eyebrows knit together so furiously I’m not sure they can ever untangle themselves again as he glares at his father.
I’ve never seen him so angry.
I’m sure if Niall says the wrong thing, or maybe anything, Aiden’s likely to explode.
The tension between them is building. I know it’s because of me. I need to find a way to fix things before it’s too damn late.
But Aiden steps forward, his fists balled together so tight his knuckles are pale white. “Jeni is my fiancée and my PA, Father. How many times do I have to tell you stop calling her that? She has a name, it’s Jeni. Fucking. Use. It,” Aiden spits out, then leans in kissing my cheek tenderly. It’s a stark comparison between the treatment of his father and me.
“I recall, not that long ago, picking you up from the floor of your apartment in a drunken stupor because it left you. Don’t you remember that, son? Don’t you remember how utterly fucking broken you were? And who was it that put you back together? Or has your memory gone with your common sense?”
I bite my bottom lip, looking down to the floor in regret. That was all my fault, and I know it.
“I wondered how long it would be before you brought that shit up and threw it back in my face. Father, I’m grateful for the way you helped me back on my feet when Jeni and I were having…” he pauses, “… difficulties. But we’ve worked through our problems, and I’m ecstatic to have her back in my life.” Aiden takes my hand in his, making me glance back up at him. “I love her. Unconditionally. I won’t have you bringing up all this shit just to make you feel good and Jeni bad. So, Father, just stop!” Aiden breathes out a heavy sigh. “I reiterate, Jeni is my fiancée.”
Niall scoffs. “We’ll see about that!” Niall mumbles under his breath, then storms off like a child back into his office.
Aiden exhales, kisses me on the cheek, then he spins and walks to his office, leaving me feeling like half of myself just walked away.
Nothing’s changed! I feel the hatred leaking from under Niall’s door toward me, but I know I have to be strong. Try to make the best of everything. So, I make my way to my desk, sit down, and turn on the computer.
Bree looks at me, exhales, says nothing and gets back to work. I can’t help but feel a little dejected knowing how badly I hurt Aiden. I can’t believe I put him through hell just because I was having a mini breakdown. I’ll never forgive myself for that, and I know in my heart I will make it my life’s work to make sure Aiden never feels that way again.
The elevator chimes, making us both look up, and a delivery driver enters with a huge bunch of pink roses, making me smile brightly. The heated moment vanishes from my mind as memories from my beautiful past flood right in.
“I have a delivery for—”
“Yep, over here,” I interject as he walks over with the flowers in his hand, which I then sign for.
“Everything’s back to normal,” Bree states in a hushed tone.
The arrangement is beautiful. I place it on my desk in their usual spot and take out the card to read.
Welcome back, baby.
I’m so glad you’re here with me where you belong.
I’ll love you, forever.
Yours always, Aiden. xoxo
My heart flutters. I have no idea how he finds the time to do this stuff, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make me feel like the luckiest woman on the face of the earth.
Walking to Aiden’s office, I knock on the door once. “Come in.”
I peek through the doorway, and Aiden’s looking at me with that all-too-familiar sparkle. “Thank you, I love them.” I close the door behind me and continue walking toward his desk.