Page 56 of Mea Culpa

She pulled back and righted herself on her side of the bed again.

I looked straight at her, capturing her gaze with mine. “I was sort of hoping you might want to live there with me. We knew I wouldn’t be staying here indefinitely, and I’d really likeusto have a place.” I tried to hold back the look of fear, the anxiety of rejection, but I likely failed.

She just stared at me for a beat, and I worried I had said and done the wrong thing. “I know you love it here,” I added, hoping to smooth things over. “And I thought . . . well, I figured maybe you could sign it over to Turner so he has a better place to stay.” Low blow, trying to get her on board by using her brother’s comfort as a bargaining chip? Maybe. But, right now, I didn’t care.

She just kept staring at me, and I started to feel a little sick.

Finally, she scooted closer to me on the mattress so we were touching at the knees.

“You’re asking me to move in with you? At your new house? Really?” She raised a brow, and I saw thoughts passing behind her eyes. I wish she’d let me in on them.

“I am. Stop making me sweat, woman. Is that something you’d be interested in or not?”

She gave me a close-lipped smile, the corners of her eyes creasing and those gorgeous kiwi depths sparkling. Then, she reached up and cupped my face in her hands.

“Given everything . . .” I saw her struggle with the words, more so with the memories they likely dredged up, even though she was safe now. “Well, given all that, I honestly never thought I’d have a home that truly felt like mine. I figured I’d always be in hiding. Assumed I couldn’t plant roots in case I needed to run again.”

I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek as I withdrew. I couldn’t imagine how that would feel. It had to be horrible. Add in always looking over your shoulder and it was no way to live. I was so glad she wouldn’t have to do that anymore. It’d take time for her to heal, and Harper was already working with her, but still.

“But even with the circumstances of how you came back into my life,” she continued, “you took some of that burden away—without even meaning to. The safety and comfort I felt with you when we were younger was something I’d never thought to feel again. I never even knew I wanted it.”

I wanted her to want it. I needed her to know that she’d have it.

“You will always be safe with me. I will always cherish you. Always.”

“I love you, Kholt.”

My lids fell closed, and I just took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, I locked gazes with her. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.”

The joy that swamped me was extraordinary. I felt like I was floating. This was everything I had ever wanted, and the realization of that flowed through me like an indescribable drug. Like utter and pure, unfiltered happiness.

She cupped my cheek. “I’d love to move in with you. To make a life with you. Maybe we can even build a family. I’m sure Phantom would love a sibling to pester—dog or cat, your choice.” She grinned. “And I love that you thought about Turner when you were making these plans. That, right there, is the icing on the cake. It’s why I know that you’re the one. You’re pretty perfect, you know that?”

The words lit a fire in my belly, crawling their way to wrap around my heart. I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Far from it, but I know what Iam.”

“What’s that?” she asked, and I saw her wheels turning, likely trying to come up with a cheeky reply.

“I am the happiest man on the face of this Earth.” I rubbed a hand over my heart, swallowing the lump in my throat and trying not to get choked up. “I love you so damn much it hurts sometimes.” My breath caught on the last bit.

This was quite literally a dream come true for me. And despite how it all came to be, all the shit we’d had to wade through to get here, I knew I was one lucky bastard.

I watched her expression change from sassy to sultry and raised an eyebrow.

“Well, we can’t have that,” she said, a sexy purr to her voice. “I guess I’d better kiss it and make it better.”

She prowled toward me, taking me to the mattress. The warmth I’d felt at hearing those words earlier flowed through me, and I just gave myself over to her until she made me forget my name.

Larken Maynard was pure magic.

And she was all mine.



Ishoved my earring into my ear and then hopped on one foot, trying to get my shoe on. “Are you ready yet?” I called, putting in the other earring and fastening the heels’ buckles at my ankles.

Kholt walked out of the bedroom of our new home, looking utterly devastating in a tux. He was completely focused on trying to fix his cufflink and hadn’t looked up yet.