Page 9 of Mea Culpa

“Everything okay?” he asked, looking up. Yep, still as observant as ever.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Where do you want to start?”

We walked all over the property, noting the things that needed to be addressed before Kholt felt we’d be safe here doing the investigation for the show. I couldn’t help but notice how alert he was to my every move, steering me around hazards before I even saw them, yet being super professional all the while. He’d even given me a notebook to take notes so I wouldn’t forget what I needed to talk to Dev about. He said he’d discuss everything with him, as well, but wanted me to be prepared in case there were questions from him or anyone else on the team.

The entire endeavor was confusing. I couldn’t reconcile my feelings, and it was starting to piss me off. Not to mention, my magic had been virtually silent, which was rare. I didn’t hear any spirits. I didn’t get any vibes about the place. I had no psychic flashes. And Iknewthere was no way this place was inert. Something was going on with me, and I had a feeling it had to do with the blast from my past standing in front of me. I needed to get my shit together or the entire cast, crew, and show would suffer, and that simply couldn’t happen, especially the first investigation back and under new contract.

Just as we were finishing up in the wheelhouse across the street, overlooking the river, I turned to head back out and got my toe caught in something on the floor. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I windmilled my arms, trying to regain my balance, but saw things around me topple—or, wait, that was just me—as I headed straight for the stairs.

Before disaster could strike, I was suddenly ensconced in strong arms and surrounded by the scents of bergamot and pepper.

“Whoa, there,” Kholt said, pulling me closer to his body and taking a step back. “Are you okay?” He looked down at me, his bluebell eyes peering into mine, a look of utter concern and care on his face. I was struck dumb for a minute and couldn’t seem to move even a muscle, an internal war waging inside me—the battle between needing to stand my ground and look out for myself and wanting to melt into his embrace.

“Uh, yeah. I think.” I sort of shook myself out of my stupor and straightened, but he didn’t release me. I felt the heat of his hands even through the sleeves of my shirt, and my magic took that moment to return in a big,bigway.

A blast of lust and longing hit me, so fierce and fast that it took my breath and pebbled my nipples. I slammed my eyes closed and swallowed against the dry lump in my throat, fighting through the wave of desire and . . . something I couldn’t quite pinpoint that swamped me. I tried to raise my shields, but they billowed like curtains, utterly useless against the emotions coating me like hot and sticky air.

I opened my eyes and wished I hadn’t. Kholt stared at me as if I were something precious. I couldn’t process that look and needed to get away, but I still couldn’t move.

Suddenly, as if being doused in a bucket of ice water, the spell broke, and he dropped one hand and stepped back, leaving the other in place on my biceps, likely to make sure I was steady. The care, even in an awkward moment, touched me.

“Uh. Um. . . .” He looked away, a faint blush staining his cheeks. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I couldn’t find my voice, so I just bit my lip and nodded.

“Good. That’s good.” He let go of my arm and raked his hand through his hair, turning away from me a bit.

I saw his chest and back rise and fall with a deep breath and took one myself. That was . . . I wasn’t sure what that was, but I was still feeling the aftereffects of it and having a really freaking hard time processing any of it. I clutched the notebook to my chest because I didn’t know what to do with my hands. No, that was a lie. I totally knew what Iwantedto do with them, but it wasn’t something I could do.

Luckily, Kholt regained control and turned to me again. “We should probably head downstairs. It’s getting late and I think we’ve gotten everything we need from here for today.”

I nodded again and cleared my throat. “Yeah, let’s. I should probably head out.”

“After you,” he said and gestured toward the stairs.

I took the steps slowly, not wanting to fall, but also because I couldn’t help putting a little extra sway in my hips.What the hell is wrong with me?

Once we got to the ground floor, I turned to Kholt, still clutching the notebook like a life preserver. “Thanks for saving my bacon up there.”

He smiled. “Anytime. It’s kind of nice to be needed once in a while. You were never one to ask for help with anything.”

He had a point. “That’s because I generally don’t need help.”

“Just because you don’t need it, doesn’t mean it’s not nice to know it’s there.”

That hit me like a blow to the solar plexus, but I only nodded. “Well, I’m off. Can you lock up?”

“Of course. And I’ll get all the data to Dev. If any of you have any questions, just let me know. Would you mind sharing your number now that we’re working together?”

Ugh, why did he have to be so logical? I wasn’t sure I wanted him to have my number. It seemed like yet another tie connecting us. But how could I refuse without seeming odd and bitchy? I decided to just do it and rattled off the digits, feeling a weird schoolgirl swell in my chest and belly when I did. He entered them into his cell, and mine buzzed in my pocket.

“I just texted you. That’s my number.”

“Thanks.” What else could I say?

“Can I ask you a question?” He looked a little uncomfortable, and I was afraid of where this might be headed.

“I suppose.”