Page 22 of Father Goose

“Yes, we are. We’re not going to hurt them. They’re worth too much alive. We just plan to keep them until their papa gives us enough money. Then we’ll give them back, take the money, and head for California.”

“I’m not turning them over.” Trapper steadied himself. He sensed another man was standing back in the fog even though he could not see him. Once the shooting started, Trapper had to get two, maybe three, before they killed him. The man hidden in the fog was a wild card in this deadly game they played.

The three who’d beat him up were not ready for a gunfight. They’d done their job of beating him. The man in the fog might be the assigned killer.

Trapper put his palms together and twisted hard on the wet rope. It gave just enough to slip one hand out.

The short man was too busy making his point to notice. “Now think about it, Reb. You can get on your black devil of a horse and ride away, or you can die right here. Either way is fine with me.” He smiled. “Either way we take the girls.”

Trapper figured if he could bide his time a little longer, the sun would burn away some of the fog and his chances would be better. “What’s in this for me? I’d already be dead if you didn’t want something else from me. So, tell me what you want.”

The outlaw leader laughed. “You’re right. The old man at the trading post told us you were well-armed and you bought more. I only see one rifle on you, which means the others are in the wagon.”

“They are.” Trapper saw no reason to deny what they already knew.

The short man shrugged. “I’ll give you a hundred dollars, your horse, and your life if you’ll go tell the girls to come out unarmed. That includes that little woman you’ve got traveling with you.”

Trapper shook his head and caught a glimpse of his rifle leaning against the ravine wall. If he rolled, he could grab it and get two, maybe three shots off before the men around him could raise their guns. But, the shadow in the fog standing twenty feet back might be ready. If so, Trapper would only get one man before he was shot.

The odds weren’t with him this time, but he had no choice. He had to fight.

Chapter 11

Emery opened her eyes. Trapper wasn’t holding her. Looking around, she realized he was gone. All was quiet. He was simply scouting around, checking on the horses, nothing more.

Maybe he’d gone to gather firewood for a meal before they started out.

She closed her eyes for a moment and remembered how he’d touched her. Very few words were spoken. He’d told her how he felt about her with his light strokes.

There was no time for words now, or maybe ever. He was a drifter who might not want to settle. But, last night, she’d felt cherished and his touch would stay with her no matter what happened next.

As quickly as she could, she changed into her clothes. They all needed to be dressed by the time he got back. One by one she woke the girls. Before they were finished dressing, she heard a horse stomping, as if the devil was chasing him.

No breakfast. They’d be moving out soon, she guessed.

One and Two shoved on their boots. “That’s Midnight,” One whispered.

They were gone before Emery could stop them.

She ordered the three other girls to stay put and ran to the opening where One and Two had disappeared.

Branches caught her skirts for a minute, and she wished she’d been smart enough to buy Levi’s like the others had.

Both girls were trying to calm Midnight.

“His right front leg is cut,” Two said as she cried. “He won’t let us close.”

Emery didn’t know much about horses, but she’d watched Trapper. He always talked to the horse before he touched the animal.

“Easy, Midnight. Easy. I’m not going to hurt you. Easy.”

Midnight watched her, his eyes still fired with panic.

Emery kept talking. “I wish you could tell us where Trapper is. Did he go looking for you? Trapper will be worried about you.”

The horse seemed to calm a bit as her soothing voice continued. “We want to help you, Midnight.”

Finally, he stilled.