Page 41 of Pretend to Be Yours

“I need your advice. Diana is in town.”

Hugh hummed in the back of his throat. “That must be difficult for you. Is she staying long?”

“I don’t think so, but you know Diana. Being honest isn’t her strong suit. Anyway, I was wondering if I have any options to keep her away from the boys. At the moment, I don’t mind her seeing them, but if she starts playing games, I want to know what my options are.”

Hugh thought for a moment. “You could request to change the custody arrangement so she has no visitation rights, but that would be a slow process, and considering her visibility on the global stage, I wouldn’t recommend it. She could afford a squadron of attorneys if she wanted.”

Shane nodded. He’d feared as much. “I know I’m required to go to reasonable lengths to ensure she can visit with them. It’s just that she’s just never wanted to before.”

“I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do legally unless she endangers them or tries to break the terms of the custody arrangement.”

On that note.... “If she did want to challenge me for custody, do you think she’d have a chance of success?”

Hugh sighed. “In a fair and equal world, she wouldn’t have a hope. The courts frown on child abandonment. But with her status and wealth, it’s possible. Not likely, but possible.”

Shane slumped into a chair. Goddamn. He hoped it wouldn’t come to that.