Page 58 of Pretend to Be Yours

She flashed her teeth. One of the things he loved about Faith was how wholeheartedly she did things. She fully committed, even when it backfired on her, and that was exactly the kind of woman he wanted in his life.

“Is this how you woo all the ladies?”

He claimed his seat and raised a wine glass to clink against hers. “There’s only one lady I’m interested in wooing.”

Her grin faded but not in a bad way. More like he’d taken her by surprise. He didn’t know why that would be the case. “I’m serious,” he continued as she tucked into her meal, humming in pleasure when she got her first taste. “I know it’s corny, but I mean every word. I haven’t dated since the divorce went through because I don’t care about dating just for the sake of it. I’m spending time with you because I see you as someone I might want to share my life with. And to that end—” He sipped his wine and forced himself to swallow. “—I’d like us to be official.”

“Official,” she mused, holding his gaze, the flecks of green in her eyes brightening. “As in…?”

“As in, tell the boys, tell the whole town, official.” Thank God he hadn’t eaten anything yet. His gut wouldn’t be handling this so well. “As in, you and I don’t date anyone else, and perhaps one day we move in together and get married. That kind of official.” When her lips parted and her nostrils flared, he hurried on. “Not immediately. I’m not trying to force you into anything you’re not ready for. I just want you to know I’m thinking long-term.”

Slowly, her lips curved up. “Have I told you that you’re adorable when you’re flustered?”

“Uh, no.” He ran a hand through his hair. “So, what do you say?” He cringed internally. What do you say? Talk about unromantic.

She rested her elbows on the table and leaned closer. “I say, hell yes.”

His racing heart began to calm, forcing him to admit he’d half expected her to reject him. Any sane woman would. He came with a ton of baggage. But for some reason, she wanted him.

“Great, then it’s official.” He smiled. “You’re all mine.”

“Same goes for you, buster. Every member of the mum brigade is going to know you’re off the market before the week is over.”

He laughed. “Feel free to take out an ad in the school newsletter if it makes you happy.”

“I just might.” She scooped spaghetti onto a piece of French bread and bit into it. “Seriously, this is good. Be honest with me: how nervous were you before popping your question?”

“Maybe a one out of ten.”

She rolled her eyes. “Liar. But I’m glad you did. I, uh.” She looked down, her expression uncharacteristically vulnerable. “I haven’t had much luck in relationships, and it means a lot to me to know that we’re on the same page and that I’m not hanging out on a ledge by myself.”

His gut tightened. “Sweetheart, you’ll never be alone on that ledge. I’ll be right there with you”

How had he not noticed that she was feeling her way along as much as he was? And what was the poor dating history she’d mentioned? He’d never given it a lot of thought, but now that he did, she hadn’t had a boyfriend for as long as they’d been friends. She’d had flings with tourists from time to time, and flirted her heart out with The Shack’s patrons, but never anything more. She was a vivacious woman with no shortage of options, so why had she chosen to stay single?

Perhaps he wasn’t the only one who’d been scarred by the past. But one thing was for sure. Whatever damage Diana had done, he was on his way to falling in love with Faith St. John, and he just had to cross his fingers and pray she wouldn’t wreck him.

Faith’s limbstangled with Shane’s, and she used his chest as a pillow. She should have drifted into a blissful sleep considering how well he’d worn her out, but something niggled at the back of her mind. A dark, insidious doubt that wouldn’t seem to quiet. She couldn’t recall feeling this strongly about a man before. Not even during her intense relationship with Mason. She saw Shane, and wanted to touch him. She touched him, and wanted to hold him. Then every time she held him, she feared that she was tumbling into love.

None of which would be a problem, except for a couple of teeny-weeny little hitches. The obvious one was Dylan, but Shane also didn’t know about her past. Tonight would have been the perfect opportunity to tell him. He’d set the tone by making himself vulnerable. Once or twice, she’d opened her mouth to come clean, but she just hadn’t been able to. She feared it would make him look at her differently. But then, he was bound to find out at some point, and it would be best if he heard it from her. She just needed to get the timing right.