Page 30 of Pretend to Be Yours

“Oh, I have the perfect shoes for this dress already,” Faith said. One of the perks of her shoe obsession was that she had enough pairs to match nearly every outfit. “High black sandals with a narrow heel.”

Becky gave her a once-over. “Yes, that ought to do it. But are you sure I can’t entice you to look?”

“Not today, sorry. I have a salon appointment to get to.”

Shane had never understoodthe expression “swallowed my tongue” until he got a look at Faith upon picking her up for the wedding. His eyes bugged out, and he only just managed to snap his mouth shut before drooling. If he thought she’d been attractive before, she was absolutely stunning in a sleek green dress with her hair pinned up in a knot on the back of her head. He was accustomed to seeing her in makeup, but tonight, her usual retro flair was absent, Faith having opted for classic and elegant. She could have been a different person, and that unsettled him. He knew who she was, didn’t he? Then why did he have the creeping sensation there was a side of her he’d never seen?

“Hi, handsome.”

At least her smile was familiar. But damn, he felt out of his element. Earlier, Bex had told him he looked smart after she’d trimmed his hair and he’d changed into his newly pressed suit, but those things seemed inconsequential compared to how glorious Faith was. She was so far out of his league, it was ridiculous.

“Wow,” he breathed. “Just wow. You’re stunning.”

She brightened. “I am, aren’t I? It’s all because of the dress. It’s magical.”

“It’s not the dress.” It was her. As soon as she stepped foot outside, she’d be the center of attention. Suddenly, he wanted to forbid her to leave the house. It was a miracle she’d remained single for as long as she had. When men saw her as she was now, they’d be tripping over themselves to have her.

“You’re so sweet.” She kissed his cheek. Not where he wanted to be kissed. He wanted to strip off everything except her shoes and have his way with her until she never looked at another man again.

“I’m not being sweet,” he argued, annoyed she’d believe that. Surely after the way he’d kissed her, and held her, and spoken to her last night, she should know better. “You’re the most beautiful woman I know.”

For a moment, her expression seemed to soften, but then something dark flitted through her gaze and she swatted his arm. “You smooth talker. Come on, let’s get to the ceremony. They’ll be starting soon, and I promised to meet Charity outside and walk in together.”


Her sister. The one he’d never met but had certainly heard of. He tried to help Faith into the car, but she brushed him off and got into the passenger seat, drawing her skirt tighter across her thighs. As he buckled up, he glanced down at her creamy skin and nearly groaned. She was going to be the death of him, and she seemed completely oblivious to it. He needed to adjust himself before his condition worsened, but he didn’t want to be obvious about it, so he waited until they were driving to do so under the guise of untwisting the leg of his suit.

The ceremony was being hosted at the town hall, and when they arrived, Faith leapt out and scanned the vehicles that lined the street. She beelined for a faded red hatchback that looked like it dated back to the eighties. Whoever was inside wound the window down, and Faith leaned in. Meanwhile, he had to readjust himself again as her skirt clung to her round bottom. When everything was in place, he joined her, and smiled down at the petite strawberry blonde behind the steering wheel. He could see a resemblance to Faith in the shade of her hazel eyes and the shape of her mouth and assumed this was Charity. She was slightly younger than her sister, but the vast quantity of foundation plastered on her face couldn’t conceal the dark circles beneath her eyes. Her knee jostled restlessly, and she was dressed to blend into the background, which was unusual considering she looked like a woman who ought to stand out in a crowd.

“Charity, this is Shane, my fake date,” Faith said.

Shane frowned. “She knows?”

“Yeah.” Faith shrugged. “There’s not much I don’t tell her.”

He wondered whether Charity knew they’d kissed last night.

Charity’s gaze settled on him, unnerving in its intensity. “He’s not your usual type.” Damn if that comment didn’t sting. But then she added, “Maybe there’s hope for you yet.” She opened the door and glided out, as graceful as a ballerina. Stopping in front of him, she offered her hand. “I’m very protective of my sister.” Her grip was disconcertingly firm, and her eyes narrowed with an unspoken threat. “You hurt her, and I’ll hurt you.”

“Char!” Faith draped an arm around Charity’s shoulder and grimaced apologetically. “Sorry, she doesn’t get out much.”

“I approve.” Anyone who wanted to protect Faith had his support.

“See?” Charity shrugged. “I didn’t scare him off. I couldn’t anyway, because this is just pretend, right?” The way she stared at him like she could see straight through him made him wonder if she’d noticed how preoccupied he’d been with her sister’s ass a few moments earlier.

“Right,” Faith agreed. “Shall we head in so we can get a good seat?”

Charity glanced around and ducked her head, looking as though she wished she could become invisible. “I’d actually prefer to stay out here for as long as possible. You know, avoid giving the gossips a chance to spread rumors before the ceremony begins.”

Spread rumors? Scanning the area, Shane noticed what he hadn’t before. A number of locals were casting glances in their direction, seeming fascinated by Charity—and not in a nice way. More in that fashion people had when they were waiting for disaster to strike.

“Char, you can’t hide forever.”

“Oh, yeah?” Charity’s eyes flashed. “Just watch me. I’ll stay for the ceremony, and then I’m out of here.”

When the limo carrying the bridal party arrived, Shane and the girls hustled inside and claimed seats in the back row. For the entirety of the ceremony, he paid scant attention to the goings on at the front of the hall, too focused on Faith and the play of emotions over her face. She was an open book, and he admired that about her.

She was also gorgeous.

Reaching between them, he entwined his fingers with hers. He heard her breath catch, but she didn’t look away from the bride and groom. She seemed entranced—and was that a hint of longing in her expression? He shifted closer to her. God, he’d never expected to have the chance to feel her like this, and without the boys around, he didn’t have to worry about being too affectionate. If he wanted to touch her, he could. In fact, he should. It would play right into their ruse.

Dipping his head closer to hers, he murmured, “You deserve a day like this.” She turned ever so slightly, and their eyes caught. “You deserve everything,” he whispered, “And I wish I could be the one to give it to you.”