Page 13 of Pretend to Be Yours

She wanted quiet time?

“I thought you liked to be around people.”

He heard her release a breath. “I do, and I absolutely adore my family, but I’m also used to having the house to myself, so it’s a big change.”

“I can see that.”

It hadn’t crossed his mind that for all she chatted, gossiped, and flirted all day long, she went home to an empty house. Frankly, it sounded lonely. He couldn’t imagine living in a place that didn’t have the bustle and buzz of other people. He’d gone straight from living with his family to flatting with friends to renting with Diana. He’d never experienced the solitude of life as a single, childless person.

“Do you ever think of getting a roommate?”

“I had one for a little while. Until Tione stole her. It was nice, but I wouldn’t want to invite just anyone into my home. It would need to be someone special.”

“It’s just as well Tione took Megan away,” he said. “Having the two of you living together is too much culinary goodness concentrated in one place. Hardly fair to the rest of us.”

She laughed again, and his heart skipped. “The rest of you need to up your game. It’s not our fault we’re awesome.”


“Hey, Shane?”

Rolling onto his side, he cupped the phone close to his ear. “Yeah?”

“Thank you for going along with all of this. I know it’s crazy.”

“You’re welcome. You’ve been helping me for years; it’s about time I return the favor.” Footsteps padded down the hall outside of his bedroom. “Hang on a moment.”

A couple of seconds later, Dylan appeared in the doorway, his face sleepy and pajamas rumpled from being in bed. “Is that Nana and Granddad?” he asked.

Shane shook his head. “It’s Faith. Don’t worry, kiddo. You’re not missing out.”

To his surprise, Dylan frowned. Then he mumbled something, rubbed a hand over his face, and carried on to the bathroom.

“Dylan?” Faith asked in his ear.

“Yeah,” he confirmed, only now realizing how late it was. “I’d better go. Goodnight, Faith.”

“Night, gorgeous.”

His stupid heart swelled at the endearment, regardless of the fact she handed them out to everyone.

It doesn’t mean she’s into you, he reminded himself. That’s just the way she talks.

Nevertheless, as he brushed his teeth, checked on his sons, and climbed into bed—dislodging Tinkerbell from his pillow and shifting her down by his feet—he couldn’t help but wish it did mean something. He lay on his back, staring into the dark, and imagined how lovely it would be to have Faith curled beside him, her head on his pillow as they debriefed each other on the day that had passed. He’d stroke her hair, cup her cheek in his palm, and kiss her softly. She’d snuggle into his body, and he’d wrap his arms around her and tug her close.

When he finally drifted off to sleep, he could have sworn he smelled ice cream.