Page 63 of Safe in His Arms

Kyle leaned closer, peering through his glasses. “Not that I can recall. What’s going on, Tee? Why do you want all these photos of him?”

Tione considered how to phrase his response. He’d have to repeat it many more times over the next hour. “That woman he’s with.” He pointed to Megan. “She was his girlfriend, and he beat her. She’s hiding out at Sanctuary, but he’s been sniffing around, trying to get her back.” He took the stack of photos from the desk and lowered his hands to his side, hoping Kyle wouldn’t see how they were shaking.

“You think he wants to hurt her?” Kyle asked, reading the subtext.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so.”

He made a sound of contempt in the back of his throat. “Asshole. If I see him around, you’ll be the first person I call.”

“Thanks.” Tione leaned over to bump fists with him. “Let Elliot know, too.”

“Will do.” Kyle taped the photo to the pillar beside the counter. “No one around here is going to let him get his hands on her.”

From the library, Tione walked to the minimart, the pub, the cafe, and a number of boutiques, passing around photos and answering questions. By the time the Bridge Club had finished interrogating him at The Refuge, he’d worked up a sweat and was well and truly ready for a shower and a beer, but the interrogation had been worthwhile because Betty promised to photocopy the pictures and coordinate distribution to every power pole and bulletin board in town. With her onside, maybe they’d get somewhere. Much as he hated to admit it, the old biddy wielded a fair bit of power with her generation.

Rinsing off the troubles of the day, he told himself he’d done all he could, at least for now. He cracked the lid off a Heineken and brought it to the kitchen, where the first thing he did was kiss Megan. He didn’t mention how he’d spent the afternoon. There was no need to worry her more than she already was. That said, he’d do whatever he could to make sure that people more trustworthy than him were out there, keeping her safe. She deserved that, and so much more.

* * *

The next fewdays were the most blissful of Megan’s recent memory. They passed in a blur of kisses, murmured conversations, and cooking. There was no sign of Charles, and with her mother’s guidance, she wrote an affidavit. As she lay in bed at night, stroking Trevor’s head, she considered Faith’s invitation to partner with her. The offer was tempting.Verytempting. And she decided to discuss her options with Sterling, who was an expert at that type of thing.

On Saturday morning, she and Tione were returning from a walk on the beach, the dogs bustling around their heels, when she recognized a black van parked outside the lodge. It belonged to Joe, her soon-to-be stepfather. Alarm bells blared in her head. Had her mother come here? Her hand went to the cut on her face. It had almost healed, but she’d hoped it would be nothing more than a white line before she saw Rose again. Thank God the bruises ringing her neck had vanished.

“I think Mum is here,” she warned Tione as they approached the entrance. “That’s her fiancé’s car.” She watched his face, waiting to see how he’d react. His expression didn’t flicker.

He nodded. “Good. It took her long enough.”

“Hey, she had court this week. She couldn’t leave Auckland.”

He just grunted. She was beginning to understand his nonverbal communication, and this grunt sounded disapproving. Opening the door, she stepped into the foyer. As one, a crowd of people turned in her direction. She stopped short, jaw dropping. Her mother hadn’t come alone. She’d brought Joe, Mikayla, Mark, and Mark’s girlfriend, Clarissa. Rose had been deep in discussion with Kat at the front desk, but now the crowd moved toward Megan.

“Meg!” Mikayla cried.

Rose shoved Mark aside to get to her. “Darling!”

A chorus of other greetings sounded, but Megan was still trying to process the fact that her entire family was at Sanctuary. They mob-hugged her, and she struggled not to be suffocated. Glancing at Tione, she saw his eyes widen in shock as they drew her away. She breathed in their familiar scents, waiting for them to calm down enough to let her speak.

“I can’t believe you’re all here,” she said, when they finally quietened.

“Where else would we be?” Mark asked, grinning. “We ran out of cake without you around.”

She laughed, and appreciated him lightening the mood. Mark could always be counted on to have a lighthearted quip up his sleeve.

“It’s so good to see you.” She turned to Tione, and they seemed to notice him for the first time. “This is Tione.” She smiled up at him, and he held her gaze, whether because he was as drawn to her as she was to him, or because her family scared him, she didn’t know. “He’s a good man. He’s the one who helped me be brave enough to tell you the truth and file charges against Charles. Tee, meet my family.” She gestured to each person in turn. “Rose, Mikayla, Mark, Megan, Clarissa, and Joe.”

Rose took his hand. “Bless you. I can’t thank you enough.” Warmth and sincerity infused her voice. “We’re so grateful to you for taking care of our Meg.”

Was it her imagination, or did his swarthy cheeks stain crimson?

“And thank you,” Rose continued, gesturing to Kat, “for taking in my baby girl and keeping her safe.”

“Mum,” Megan muttered.

“No.” Rose squared her shoulders. “We let you down, but these people were here for you, and I’m going to make sure they know how much I appreciate it.”

“It’s been our pleasure having her here,” Kat said, smiling first at Rose, then Megan. “Like I’ve always said, you’re welcome to stay for as long as you like. Especially if you do more baking.”

Megan returned her smile. “Thank you.”