Page 53 of Then There Was You

“I’m in awe,” he said. “I can’t comprehend that a place like this exists. If I couldn’t see it with my own eyes…”

“I know,” she whispered, joining him near the edge of the water. “It’s magical.”

He looked at her then, really looked at her, like he could see inside her whirring mind and knew all of her secrets.

I’m going crazy.

It wasn’t a revelation. She’d suspected it would happen one day. But when he gazed at her in that all-seeing way, heat flaring in the depths of his eyes like blue fire, she had a vision of the two of them, naked and entwined beneath the waterfall, water beading on their skin as they moved together. She shivered, though the air temperature hadn’t changed.

Whoa. Slow down, wahine. You’re only sightseeing. This isn’t a seduction.

Reaching down, she yanked off her shoes and stepped barefoot into the soft moss, treading over to immerse her feet in the water. Despite the pleasant evening, the water was cold. Her ardor cooled instantly.

“You look like a nymph,” Sterling said, far closer than she’d thought he was.

And her libido was back.

There was nothing for it. She tugged off her jacket, tossed it aside, and pitched forward into the water, instantly dousing any remaining lust she might have felt. The pool was deep, several feet at least, and she sank down, then hit the bottom and pushed off, rushing upward. She broke the surface and gasped for air, flinging her wet hair from her face. Her eyes stung when she opened them, and water dripped off the end of her nose.

“Wow,” she exclaimed when her chest had finished seizing from the cold and relaxed enough for her to speak. “That was refreshing.”

“Are you completely nuts?” Sterling demanded, towering over her. “What on earth possessed you to do that?”

He looked shocked, appalled, and more than a little judgmental. She had the sudden and undeniable urge to ruffle him up. The man was far too self-contained. He needed to live in the moment for once.

Her teeth started to clash together, but she clenched her jaw and forced them to stop. Then she beamed up at him. “The water is lovely. You should join me.”

He shook his head. “Now I know you’ve lost it.”

You and me both, gorgeous.

“I’m serious,” she said. “But you need to jump in all at once. It’s much easier that way.”

“No.” He crossed his arms and looked down his nose. “Not going to happen.”

“What?” she asked, rubbing her upper arms. “Are you too chicken?”

“Too smart. I’m not falling for that.”

“Bawk bawk. Chicken.”

“You can’t peer—”

“Bawk bawk bawk,” she interrupted. “Live a little. Would I still be in here if it were freezing?”


“The old Sterling would never have done it, but I thought new Sterling was more daring.”

That seemed to get him. He shrugged off his jersey, undid the laces on his shoes, and folded his jeans over a rock.

“I’ll show you daring.” Then he leapt up and bombed into the water. She shielded her eyes from the splash, wiped them dry, and waited for him to realize she’d tricked him. He surfaced, spluttering. When he’d caught his breath, he swore, the curse piercing the quiet around them.

She started to giggle, then clapped a hand to her mouth. He turned, slowly, until their eyes met. Her heart gave an extra thump for good measure. He looked like she’d killed his puppy—horrified and baffled at the same time. He was glaring, his sopping hair plastered to his face, his lips set in a thin line, nostrils flared.

“You…” he said, jabbing a finger in her direction. “You…”

She fluttered her eyelashes innocently. “Yes, me?”