Page 65 of Unraveled

“Safe from what? Alexius, just tell me.”

“It’s better if you see for yourself.” He starts down the stairs, but I pull him back.

“No. Tell me now, please. What’s down there?”

He hesitates for a moment, his blue irises searching mine, and it’s easy to see how conflicted he is. My God, if whatever is down there has him so unsure, so on edge, it’ll probably fucking destroy me.

He reaches for my other hand, holding it tight, placing a gentle kiss inside my palm, and I swear I almost drown with a single breath. “I promised you that I’ll try, remember?”

“Try what?”

“To let you make your own decisions. To not make them for you.” He leans closer, and I can smell the whiskey on his breath mixed with his wild spice cologne as he kisses me. It’s so soft, so gentle. For a moment, I wonder if he’s kissing me or merely breathing against my lips. It settles me a little, calming my nerves even though my heart is still racing like crazy.

He pulls back and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “This is me keeping that promise.”

I swallow hard. “What is down there?”

Alexius stills, staring at me like he’s scared I’ll break. Like I’m a porcelain doll and he’s searching for the cracks.


“Please trust me,” he says softly and urges me to move by holding my hand tight in his as we descend the stairs. I have no idea what’s waiting for us at the bottom, but something tells me it’s not a puppy.

It’s humid, and a musty smell drifts from the concrete walls. There are no windows, and the air grows thicker with each step. My heart is racing so fast I’m sure Alexius can feel my pulse against his palm.

We take the last step, and I lose my balance, stumbling into Alexius’ side. He grabs my elbow and steadies me, wiping tresses of hair from my face. “You okay?”

I nod, and we continue around a sharp corner, walking into a large, open room. Nicoli is the first person I see standing on the left, his cigarette glowing brightly in the dimly lit area.

Caelian and Isaia are both standing on an elevated platform, the other half of the room cast in complete darkness.

It’s the look on Isaia’s face that threads fear through my veins. With his hands tucked into his jeans pockets, his shoulders squared, it’s as clear as daylight that he’s nervous—and that makes me nervous. If it wasn’t for Alexius tightening his hold on my hand, this would be the part where I bolt and rush in the other direction. It’s when I glance over my shoulder that I notice Maximo behind us. I have no idea where he came from, but then again, I never do. The man is like a phantom, and super fucking quiet. It’s like he’s in permanent stealth mode all the damn time.

I jolt when Nicoli speaks. “There’s still time to change your mind, brother.”

Alexius lets out a grunt, and I narrow my eyes at him. “Change your mind about what?”

“About letting you decide if he lives or dies.”

My eyes widen. “If who lives or dies?”

Alexius nods in Nicoli’s direction. There’s a loud crack of electricity rumbling through the walls, and the entire room is suddenly lit up. I hold up my hand, shielding my eyes from the blinding light, but as my vision adjusts, the scene in front of me unfolds little by little…and my heart fucking stops.




Fear is a complex emotion. It can either give you the motivation you need to be stronger or kick your ass and make you run in the other direction.

Right now…it’s kicking my ass, but I can’t run. My feet are planted on the concrete floor, my insides pulverized, and I’m not sure if I want to scream or throw up.

“No,” I whisper.

“Leandra—” Alexius tries to pull me close, but I’m frozen solid. I stare at the man tied to a large metal chair, the chains around his feet glinting under the light. It’s my father. How can that be him?

His head is hanging down, blood dripping in ribbons from his nose and onto his torn, pale blue shirt, seeping through the woven fiber of the cotton fabric. His dark hair is matted against his forehead, and sweat beads down the side of his face.