Page 35 of Unraveled

“Wow. I wasn’t sure whether I should congratulate you or not, but now I just kinda feel sorry for you.”

I snicker. “I feel sorry for me, too.”

“Was it planned?”

“Not by me.”

His face pulls with confusion, and I decide to redirect. Isaia is already too caught up in my relationship with Alexius. There’s already too much animosity between the brothers, and the last thing we need is for Isaia to know what Alexius did.

“I mean, it was a surprise…to both of us,” I continue.

“Is he being an asshole about it? Is that what made you so upset with him?”

“God, no. In fact, it’s because of him…” But I stop short, biting my tongue.

“Because of him, what?”

“I, um…” I reach for the scar behind my ear, then gather my hair and pull it over my shoulder. “We’re both still trying to wrap our heads around it.”

There’s another deep silence between us, but the sound of the storm outside makes it bearable. Through the window, I can see the snow angrily carried by the rough winds, a white blanket forming on the outside windowsill. Some days, I wish I could get lost in the snow and pretend it’s a different world. Today is one of those days.

Isaia keeps his head down while I take care of his wounds. The blood on his face is thick and sticky, making it difficult to clean without hurting him.

The more I inspect his wounds and nurse his cuts, the more guilt eats away at me, a dull ache fiercely gnawing at my stomach. I hate that I’m the cause of all this. If not for me, none of this would have happened. Alexius and Isaia wouldn’t be hating each other right now.

“I’m sorry he did this to you.”

“Don’t. It’s not your fault my brother is an asshole.”

“Isn’t it?” I look into his brown eyes, touching the wet fabric against the cut on his lower lip. “I’m the cause of this conflict between you and him.”

“Nah. We’ve been going at each other’s throats since I was old enough to call out his bullshit. Our parents groomed him to be the head of this family one day, and all that extra attention, constantly telling him he’ll be in charge, has given him an ego the size of Texas, thinking he controls everyone around him.”

“Maybe. But have you ever considered that maybe he’s controlling because of the weighted responsibility he carries for this family?”

Isaia frowns at me. “Are you defending him?”

“He’s my husband. I’d be a shitty wife if I didn't.”

“Yeah, because he’s been such anamazinghusband to you,” he sneers, sarcasm dripping from his words.

“Stop.” I slap his shoulder lightly. “I think that sometimes he overcompensates by making his presence known because he feels like the outsider.”

Isaia snorts. “Ah, I can promise you that’s not it. Alexius has no idea what it feels like to be an outsider in this family.”

I lean my head to the side. “And you do? Because your brothers are in control of the Dark Sovereign, and you’re not a part of that?”

His jaw tics, and he rubs his fists together, his shoulders tense and muscles taut. “I know it sounds petty, but it’s not so much about me wanting the control they have, but more about being a part of something that defines this family.” He shrugs. “Sharing something with my brothers.”

My heart swells with empathy. He’s not a man hungry for power; he’s a brother and son who yearns to be a part of the family dynasty. Alexius and Nicoli have sat beside their father for years. Now Caelian has joined them, and that leaves Isaia on the sidelines.

“I mean,” he straightens his shoulders, “I know Alexius and Nicoli want to get rid of my uncles, make the Dark Sovereign a Del Rossa legacy alone.”

“So, Alexius plans on including you?”

“That’s what he said, yes. But with Rome being back, it’s not that simple anymore.”

“Because Rome is taking his father’s place?” I walk to the sink and rinse the towel, and Isaia cocks a brow.