Page 49 of Unraveled

“Apparently, Federico has been walking around prison puffing his chest like a motherfucking peacock, bragging about his daughter being married to a Del Rossa.”

“What?” An instant hit of adrenaline rushes through me as I leap to my feet. “How in the name of ever-loving fuck would he know that?”

“That’s not the worst part.”

My eyes almost bulge out of my skull. “How is that not the worst part?”

“According to our guy on the inside, there are whispers about Federico making deals and using the Del Rossa name to strengthen his street credit.”

“Jesus Christ!” I slam both fists into my desk, pens and files clattering on the wood. “This is what I’ve been trying to avoid.”

Nicoli stands. “So, this fucker is already using his daughter’s last name to get ahead.” He turns to face Maximo. “Is our inside guy solid? Can we count on him to tell the truth?’

Maximo nods. “Sam is solid.”

“Who the fuck is Sam?” Nicoli’s brows are curved with question marks.

“A guy whose ass was glued to the seats of one of our casinos.” I rest against the edge of the desk. “We had a target we needed to eliminate, and Sam had debt he needed to pay. It was supposed to be simple, but he got caught and had his ass tossed into jail. So, we offered him protection between those walls in exchange for him being our eyes and ears in the place.”

“Sam?” Nicoli’s lips spread in a thin line like he’s trying to put a face to the name. “Do I know this Sam?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. His cousin works as a waitress at the diner where Leandra used to work. Wendy, I think her name is. Shit,” I blurt, roughing both hands through my hair. “I knew this would happen. I knew if that low-life cunt found out about his daughter’s new last name, he’d be a problem.”

Maximo steps up. “Any word from the lawyers?”

“I spoke to them earlier. They’ve been jumping through fucking hoops trying to find something to make sure this fucker stays locked up, but nothing’s sticking.”

“Anyone on our payroll who can help?” Nicoli asks. “A judge? A psych doctor? Jesus?”

I shake my head. “I’ve called in every favor, but it’s like there’s a giant brick wall waiting around every corner.”

“This is bullshit.” Maximo yanks off his jacket and throws it over the back of the couch. “We have the best lawyers in the goddamn city on this, but they can’t find a way to keep this bastard behind bars?”

“It doesn’t make sense.” Nicoli stares at the wall behind me. “For this guy to be able to find a way around our lawyers, he must have some kick-ass legal representation.”

“Something’s not right,” I mutter. “I can’t help shake the feeling that it’s not this fucker’s lawyers we’re up against.”

“You’re right.”

All three of us look at the door, Rome’s tall frame filling the entryway. “It’s not his lawyer you’re up against. It’s my dad.”



I’m not sure if it’s hysteria or just a giant motherfucking “ah-ha” moment when I burst out laughing.

“Of course, it’s our dear Uncle Roberto. My God, how did I miss that?”

“My dad’s been upping his game,” Rome says as he strolls into my office. Just like the rest of us, except for Isaia and Maximo, Rome always looks immaculate in well-tailored suits, Italian leather shoes, and the cut of his dress shirt fitting his physique. The stock market has treated him well. “He’s cashing in every favor owed to him,” he continues. “Blackmailing every sorry son of a bitch he has dirt on so he can fuck you over.”

“I didn’t even know his reach went that far. The legal system? Judges?” I lift a brow. “I hate to say it, but I’m impressed.”

“I told you not to underestimate my old man. He’s a different kind of beast when cornered.” Rome pours himself some whiskey, sits next to me, and takes a sip from his glass, closing his eyes as he appreciates the smooth taste.

He straightens his blue tie down his chest. “The fact that he reached out to me and groveled, begging me to come back home after I’ve caused him nothing but embarrassment, proves just how desperate he is.”

“Desperate has been your father’s middle name for years.”