Page 29 of Unraveled

Alexius snarls in Isaia’s face, shaking him violently. “I’m going to kill you,” he snarls. “You fucking jealous prick.”

“Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Do it. Fucking pussy,” Isaia challenges, and I’m nothing short of terrified, ice penetrating my lungs.

“You’ve always been a little shit stirrer, haven’t you, little brother? Always loving to rock the boat and fuck over the apple cart. What, does it make your dick hard acting like an entitled cocksucker?”

“I’d rather be an entitled cocksucker than a lousy fucking husband.”

“Motherfucker!” There’s a sickening crack of bone as Alexius hits Isaia across the face, blood bursting from Isaia’s mouth. The rage on Alexius’ face is terrifying. His eyes are wild and feral, his lips pulled back from his teeth as he lets out a beastly growl like he’s about to rip out Isaia’s jugular. I’m suddenly frozen. Shocked. I can barely take a breath watching Alexius consumed with a fury so heated, it blurs the air around him.

“You fucking piece of shit!” He rears back, and his fist flies out again, crashing against Isaia’s jaw, blood splattering against the cream-colored walls like fresh red paint.

“Stop this, please! Both of you,” I cry, and Isaia sees an opening, landing a punch into Alexius’ midsection, causing him to hunch over. Horrified, I suck in a breath, but the air doesn’t reach my lungs. It’s stuck in my throat, my heart bashing against my rib cage.

Alexius staggers back, and Isaia lunges at him, grabs him by the collar, and swings him around, slamming his back against the wall, and I swear the earth fucking quakes from the blow.

Isaia leans into his brother, jerking at his collar. “You’re so fucking blind, man. Selfish prick. You can’t see what’s right in front you.”

“What? That my brother fucked my wife?”

“Nothing happened!” Isaia snaps.

“Like fuck it didn’t. You expect me to believe that after I find you in bed with my wife while she’s wearing a motherfucking towel?”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I expect you to believe because it’s the goddamn truth!”

“Go fuck yourself.” Alexius manages to push back, and I watch in horror as they grapple with one another, trying to tear each other apart like rabid animals frothing at the mouth.

Red-hot tears spill down my cheeks. “Alexius, he’s telling the truth, I swear.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Yes! Nothing happened.”

“He won’t believe you,” Isaia grits out. “He’s been searching for a reason to kick my ass.”

“What do you expect? You’re in love with my wife, you son of a bitch!” Alexius strikes his fist into Isaia’s gut. Spit and blood bursts from Isaia’s mouth as he topples over, and Alexius lands his knee on Isaia’s chest, swings his arm, and a nauseating sound ruptures the air as he hits Isaia again, his knuckles stained with his brother’s blood.

“Would both of you just stop!” I cry, but I’m being ignored like I’m not even there, Alexius’ eyes blazing like he has the wrath of hell burning behind them.

There is so much blood, thick and violent, spurting from Isaia’s mouth and nose, his chin, neck, and chest covered in crimson.

“I’ve fucking had it with you.” Alexius’ voice is hard and guttural, a menacing chant of brutal cruelty. “I tried, Isaia. I fucking tried. But you just couldn’t keep your filthy motherfucking hands off my wife.”

“He didn’t touch me!” I yell, but Alexius doesn’t even look in my direction. It’s like I’m invisible to him, his vision nothing but tainted red with hate and violence, all aimed at his little brother.

Everything is happening so fast, my mind is spinning, and my heart is pounding with panicked speed. But I’m paralyzed. I can’t move. I can’t think. I’m fucking terrified by the scene in front of me. Terrified of him. I’ve never seen Alexius like this before. Enraged and possessed, anger swirling thickly in his eyes, his face contorted in hard lines of rage.

More blood spurts from Isaia’s mouth, and Alexius snarls, pushing his knees harder against Isaia’s chest.

Isaia chokes and coughs, trying to get his brother to move. “Nothing…happened other than you fucking up…again.”

Oh, God, Isaia. Shut the fuck up!

“Me?” Alexius wraps a hand around Isaia’s throat, his large hand encompassing Isaia’s neck. “You have some nerve, you arrogant fuck! But that’s your problem, isn’t it? Thinking you can do whatever the fuck you want because life owes you a goddamn favor.” He tightens his grip. “Or is it the fact that I won’t share her that’s completely fucked with your head?”

“Go fuck yourself!” Isaia grabs at his brother’s hand, trying to get him to let go, but Alexius simply tightens his hold, Isaia’s mouth gaped open and cheeks reddening from the struggle for air.

Oh, my God, Alexius is going to kill him.