Why was that?

“Mr. Darcy!” Kitty cried from inside the room. “You and Lizzy are under the mistletoeagain!”

“There is no escaping this time, Lizzy!” Lydia crowed.

“Escape? What do you mean by that?” Mr. Collins asked petulantly. He narrowed his deep-set eyes. “Has Cousin Elizabeth been impertinent to Mr. Darcy? Has he been attempting to escape her?”

Elizabeth’s face was aflame, but she did not attempt to step away. “If you do not wish to kiss me, Mr. Darcy, I would not blame you,” she murmured, “but this time, you must step away. Then we would be even.”

Mr. Darcy shared a look with Mr. Bingley. It lasted long enough that she knew they were having a silent conversation, as she and Jane did sometimes. Whatever they were saying to one another, Mr. Bingley smiled, and Mr. Darcy turned to her. He lifted one long arm to pluck a berry without moving his gaze from her.

Elizabeth’s skin tingled, her heart beat a little faster.

Mr. Darcy handed her the berry, then bent down. Elizabeth offered him her cheek.

He paused, his lips lingering less than an inch from her skin. Her breaths came faster.

Suddenly, something rammed her from behind and she was tossed roughly forward, directly into Mr. Darcy’s arms.

“Miss Elizabeth!” he exclaimed.

“Cousin Elizabeth!” Mr. Collins cried at the same moment. “How could you?”

Elizabeth wished that Mr. Darcy did not have to release her, but he set her back on her feet and did just that. “I would not, Mr. Collins, had you not pushed me into his arms.”

“Are you attempting to matchmake, Mr. Collins?” Mr. Bingley inquired. “If so, I fear that is not the way to go about it.”

“No, I assure you,” Mr. Collins said, his lips twisted in an ugly grimace. “I only meant to prevent my cousin from importuning you.”

“By shoving her into my arms?” Mr. Darcy inquired.

He did not sound upset.

“I did no such thing.” Mr. Collins huffed. “Not intentionally.”

“My aunt will be very displeased to hear that you have attempted to compromise me,” Mr. Darcy replied coolly.

Elizabeth could hear her sisters gasp as one.

“Compromise? Oh no, that will not do at all,” Mr. Collins muttered, “not at all. I must speak with her father.”

“Yes, Mr. Collins.” Elizabeth was irritated beyond belief, and merely wanted her cousin gone. “You should go warn my father at once.”

“You jest, but I shall do just that,” Mr. Collins declared as he brushed past her.

“In detail,” Elizabeth called after him. “He cannot fully understand unless you explain every particular.” She turned to see that everyone in the room staring at her and she lifted her hands out, palms up. “What?”

“You still owe me a kiss,” Mr. Darcy said, his voice for her ears only.

Elizabeth did not appreciate how smug he sounded. “Very well,” she said, and dutifully offered her cheek.

Mr. Darcy bent towards her. “Your father will not be pleased with the visitor you have sent him.”

“Alas, Papa will not suffer him for long.”

“How long?”

“If you wish for your kiss, you must . . .” Elizabeth turned her head to address Mr. Darcy properly just as he stepped forward to kiss her cheek.