Page 22 of Wolf King

She grins. “Good. You should be. There’s a big, cool world out there. And when you’ve got the right people watching your back, it’s pretty fun to explore it.”


God, that sounds amazing.

“I’ve never even let myself imagine that before,” I find myself confessing. “I think I knew if I did…”

Hermione sobers, her brows drawing closer as she prods, “If you did…”

“That it might destroy me,” I whisper. “It’s dangerous to want things you know you’ll never have. In my old life it was safer to keep my dreams small, manageable. To hope for okay and try to ignore that almost everything was not enough.”

“Well, we’ll see if we can change all that,” she says, a spark in her eyes that makes me think she really is on my side. That she wants me to have a place here, a home. “Just keep doing what you’re doing with Maxim. Whatever it is, it’s working, or he wouldn’t have given me permission to take you out for a coffee.”

I blink. “He did?”

“He did,” she confirms, glancing behind me again. “And he’s on his way over, so get ready.”

Chapter 9


I gulp. “B-but all we’ve done is fight. Some semi-civil conversation last night but…yeah, mostly fighting.”

Hermione grins as she pushes her chair back and stands. “Good. Keep showing him what you’re made of, kid, and I’ll catch you later.”

“Later,” I wheeze, barely having enough time to drag in another tight breath before Maxim is on the other side of the table, glaring down at me.

No…not glaring.

Watching, intently, but without any malice in his dark eyes.

I don’t know what’s changed, but his tone is also much mellower than usual as he says, “I’ve been thinking.”

I sit up straighter, nodding slowly. “Thinking is…good. Usually. Unless you’re over-thinking and that can be bad. Brain running in circles and all that.” I bite my bottom lip, willing myself to stop babbling.

For some reason chill Maxim makes me even more nervous than asshole Maxim.

“Yes,” he says, his lips lifting ever so slightly on one side. “But I’ve been doing just the right amount of thinking. About what Diana said this morning, about helping you discover your pack gift.”

My brows shoot up my forehead. “Really? I thought you wanted to keep me locked up alone until you heartlessly wrenched my baby from my arms and put me out on the street.”

His eyes narrow, but his voice is still mild, almost friendly as he says, “That’s not off the table, but I’ve decided I’m willing to grant you additional liberties. As long as you promise to abide by my rules.”

I tip my head to one side. “And those rules are…?”

“You don’t leave your rooms unchaperoned—Hermione or I will be with you at all times. And you don’t interact with other pack members without permission.”

“That sounds reasonable.”

“You sound surprised,” he says.

“I am,” I say. “Pleasantly so, and I’m happy to abide by the rules. I wouldn’t trust a stranger around the people I love without vetting them first, either. There are a lot of bad wolves in The Parallel. I promise you I’m not one of them, but you’re still smart to be careful.” I hesitate, pressing my fingertips against my mug before I add, “But I’m not sure how I can discover my pack gift without actually being around the pack.”

“Let me worry about that,” he says. “Just be ready to leave your rooms at seven. I’ll send up something for you to wear.”

“Okay,” I say, risking a smile. “Thank you. I appreciate that chance to earn your trust. So far, from everything I’ve seen, your pack seems…wonderful.”

“Thank you.” He lifts a hand, motioning to someone behind me. “Christof will escort you back to your rooms. See you tonight, little wolf.”