I don’t have control with him, either.She didn’t want control. For the first time in her life, she just wanted to stop caring about restraint and doing what was right. And with him, she could. She could let go of everything else, hold tight to Remy, and the world would be okay.

He kicked the door shut. She heard it slam.

“Fast,” he growled before kissing her again. “Baby, we have to be fast.”

Jacqueline already felt like she was about to come. She was pretty sure thefastpart would be no problem for her.

His hands pushed between their bodies. He shoved down her new jeans and underwear. She kicked out of her shoes. Her hands darted between them, too, as she tried to reach for the snap of his jeans. Their fingers tangled, and a ragged laugh tore from her.

But his mouth took hers again, and there was no more laughing. He walked her backwards, and when she would have stumbled, he just curled his hands around her waist and lifted her up. A moment later, she felt a wall against her back. They were close to the nightstand, and he held her with one hand on her waist as he pulled away and used his other hand to haul a condom out of the top nightstand drawer.

This was crazy. Jacqueline knew it. The sudden, driving lust had swept her away. They should be packing. Planning.


“Put it on,” he ordered.

She did. First, she stroked the thick dick that shoved from his now open jeans. She squeezed him. She pumped.


She rolled the condom down his cock, and he lifted her up, moving her so that she was positioned higher. It was the most natural thing in the world for her legs to wrap around him. His cock pushed at the entrance to her body, and for just a moment, she tensed.

He stopped.

“No, I want you.” Her legs tightened around him. “I’ve never wanted anyone like this.” So much that if she didn’t get him inside soon, she’d go mad.Want him so much. Past sanity. Past restraint. Past—

He drove into her.

Past all reason and thought.Because there was no more thought. There was only the frantic drive of their bodies. Fast, deep thrusts. Drugging kisses that fed her desire even more. Her heart pounded, her breath shuddered, and her inner muscles gripped him as tightly as she could.

His hand eased between them. Plucked her clit. Pressed. Stroked.Demanded.

His mouth kissed a hot trail over her neck. She could hear her own moans and gasps, and when he bit her lightly on her throat, when he sucked her skin…

Her hips jerked. Her climax surged through her body, and her head tipped back against the wall as she cried out his name. Her eyes squeezed shut and pleasure slammed along her nerve endings. Pleasure that stole her breath.

He kept thrusting. Deep. Hard. His hands seemed to be brands on her. Forget him? Never. She would remember his touch forever.

He seemed to get even bigger inside of her.How is that possible?And…

He came. She opened her eyes, and Jacqueline saw the pleasure flash across his face. She’d done that.She’dgiven him that much pleasure. So much pleasure his body shuddered over and over again against hers.

He held her tight.

She held him just as fiercely.

The drumbeat of her heart filled her ears and quaked through her body. Her throat felt dry so she swallowed—twice—and moistened her lips. She could taste him. He surrounded her. There was no part of her body that didn’t feel as if it belonged to him.

And he belonged to her. In that one instance, she knew he did. Things would change soon enough—they would be leaving. Facing the monster that waited back in New Orleans. But for this moment, this time…

She curled her arms around him. Nestled her head in the crook of his neck. Pressed her lips over his racing pulse point.

Remy belongs to me.

And she belonged to him.
