“You didn’t.”You did.“I was just running out for a quick bit of air. I told you, it was hot in there.”

Remy shook his head. “We both know you’re lying.”

Jacqueline backed up half a step.

“Bears, sweetness. Wolves. Maybe some coyotes. That’s what you’ll be facing if you run off into the woods. Of course, you also have to worry about dehydration because you have no water on you. No food, either. And unless you have some fantastic knowledge of the area, you will be lost within about ten minutes because there is no trail in those woods. This is a very secluded spot.” Now he glanced around. “When I first arrived, I thought it would probably be a serial killer’s paradise.” His gaze slid back to her. “I’m not one, so you can unclench your fists.”

She hadn’t realized they’d clenched in the first place. “Serial killers don’t work for the FBI.”

“You sure about that? It’s been my experience that they have all sorts of unusual people on their payroll.”

How could he be so calm and mocking? “I should have never come home with you.” Big, massive mistake. “You’re FBI, aren’t you?”

He laughed. But, she noticed, Remy also didn’t deny her charge.

I am so screwed.

Her head dipped forward. “I tried to do the right thing, for a very long time, I swear, I did.”Too late now.After sucking in a deep breath, Jacqueline forced her head back so she could see him. “I really did not want to wind up in a jail cell.”

“Ah, sweetness, what could you have ever done that would make you—”

A twig snapped.

And just like that, Remy went from his cool, casual pose to something entirely different. She’d been staring straight at him, so she saw the transformation swipe over his face. Hisgaze immediately sharpened. Went hard. Almost feral. As did his features. No longer was he movie-star perfect. Instead, a rough, primitive rage tightened his features. Hollowed his cheeks. Had his jaw hardening.Hishands clenched at his sides. “Get inside.”


“I want you to run back into the cabin. Make certain all the doors are locked.”

“Um…” She glanced toward the woods. She’d heard that twig snap, too. “You think it’s a bear?”

“I think I want your sweet ass in the cabin,now.”

Maybe it was a bear or maybe one of her hunters had come back. She suddenly felt like prey, and her stare swept over the thick growth of trees. She couldn’t see anyone out there, but that snapping had sure seemed close and it had—

Remy swung her into his arms. The move was sudden and fast and then she was being bounced and jostled as he raced back to the cabin. One of her arms flew up and curled around his neck. “Wait, what are you—”

He put her down on the porch. “Inside.Now.”

Nothing easy going at all about him any longer. He didn’t even seem to be the same man. “Remy?”

“Get the fuck in the cabin, sweetness.” He whirled away.

She grabbed his arm. “You can’t go after him!”Him.As if she now fully believed that a man was watching them from the woods. A man, and not a bear or a—a racoon or…

“Trust me. I can. I will.” And he did. He pulled away and ran straight for the woods. She stood staring after him, her whole body shaking, as he rushed out to confront one of the monsters thatshe’dbrought to his door.


The growl of the engine seemed to echo through the woods. Remy bounded after that sound, swatting branches out of his way and jumping over fallen limbs even as he knew that he’d be too late. A growling engine meant his prey was already fleeing.

And, on foot, Remy would not be able to reach the bastard in time. The knowledge didn’t make him slow down. If anything, Remy just sprang forward faster. Faster and faster and—

He saw the curving edge of the old road. Caught the flash of taillights as the motorcycle disappeared around the bend. Had to be the same motorcycle from last night. And now, the jerk had proof that Jacqueline was with Remy.

Only she isn’t with me. I left her at the cabin. On her own.Remy whirled and began running back for her. It looked like he was dealing with two perps—one on the motorcycle and the other who’d pretended to be an FBI agent that morning. Partners? Probably. Two bastards for Remy to handle instead of one. Not exactly a hard job, but, if the duo had just worked a divide-and-conquer strategy on him, then he was screwed.

Because while the guy on the bike was fleeing and I gave chase, the other SOB could have stayed at the cabin in order to get his hands on Jacqueline.