“I’ll give you room and board in exchange for you being my model, and, depending on how long I need your services, we can also work out an hourly pay scale. But you must know, I’m demanding.”

The doorbell chimed again.

“I’m also a bit of a bastard,” he continued, not seeming to be bothered at all by the chiming bell that grated on her nerves. “Ikeep odd hours. I don’t take breaks, and I will expect you to hold the same pose for extended periods of time.”

“You won’t turn me over?” To whoever was at the door. To whoever had been sent after her.

“Not if we have a deal.”

The doorbell seemed to be ringing constantly now. “Yes! Yes! Please, just—don’t let him know I’m here. Say you’ve never met me. Just…help?” A plea.

Remy nodded. “Why don’t you go back up to the bedroom? I’ll handle our visitor. While I’m dealing with him, check the closet up there. You should find some clothes in the brown trunk.”

She didn’t let go of him. The bell echoed around them.

Remy’s lips thinned. “Our visitor is quite persistent. And obviously, a total asshole. Good thing I know how to handle his type.”

“Promise you won’t turn me over?” A breath. A whisper.

He leaned toward her. His mouth moved to her ear. “I promise.” A whisper in response. His breath teased the shell of her ear.

A shiver slid over Jacqueline. “Then we have a deal.” Her head turned and, because they were so close, when her head turned, their mouths were almost touching. It would take no effort at all to brush her lips against his…

The doorbell chimed again.

She jerked back.

Remy sighed. “Perhaps we shall revisit that little near development later, hmm? But for now…” He marched for the den. “I have an asshole to send on his merry way.”

Chapter Three

Remy waited until he no longer heard the sound of Jacqueline scurrying up the stairs, and when he was sure she’d safely made it to the second floor, he glanced through the small peephole in the door. He also made a mental note to install one of those doorbell security cameras, ASAP. He hadn’t exactly been planning to stay in the cabin long term, so he hadn’t taken many security precautions. With Jacqueline’s arrival, things needed to change.

A man in a cheap brown suit glared at Remy through the peephole. The man’s hair had been buzzed, and he wore black-framed glasses. He was also reaching out to ring the bell yet again.

Remy swung open the door. “Morning, sunshine.”

The man froze with his hand extended.

“Want to tell me who the hell you are and why you’re on my doorstep at…” He looked at his wrist. No watch. “Helluva-early-thirty?”

The man jerked his hand down, only to shove it toward his coat.

Remy stiffened, anticipating an attack, but the guy just shoved up a wallet. No, an ID.

“FBI,” the man said as he jutted out his slightly pointed chin. “Special Agent Tim Palmer.”

Remy took the ID. Studied it. “Wow. A real, live FBI agent. I’ve got goose bumps.”

“What took you so long to answer the door?”

“Took me so long?” He looked up. Furrowed his brow. “How long were you ringing the bell?”

Tim’s lips tightened.

“Sorry.” Remy wasn’t. Not even a little bit. “I was working in the back. Painting.” He had the flecks of paint on him to prove it. “When I work, I tend to turn my music way up. Didn’t realize you were even out here until I took a break to grab some coffee.” He smiled his most innocent grin. “Something I can do for you?” Then he whistled. “The FBI. Man, must be something to work for them. Are you like, a real badass?”

“Yeah, I’m a badass.” Tim poked his ID back in the coat.