Another nod. Slower. A little sad. “Because you love her.”

He stared at Constantine. Just stared.Hell, yes, I do. So much so that it is nearly ripping me apart.But if he said the words out loud, he couldn’t take them back. If he said them out loud, that would make everything real.

If he said them out loud…how am I ever supposed to let her go?And he had to let her go. Because hedidlove her so much. She needed a life without him. Remy sucked in a deep breath. “If you talked to Ty, am I to assume you talked with Eric, too?”

“Indeed, I did. The boss found out a few interesting historical tidbits for us.”

“Don’t keep me in suspense.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Constantine stalked across the room and peered out of the window. “Turns out that before Hurricane Katrina hit down here, Jacqueline and her grandfather called New Orleans home.”

“She mentioned something about living here a long time ago.”

“Did she mention that her grandfather once owned a bar on Bourbon Street?”

“Ah, no. She didn’t.”

Constantine sent a glance over his shoulder. “Want to guess which one?”

He didn’t have to guess. “The one Preston now owns.”

“Yes. Anotherinterestingpoint. Eric managed to find out what fake last name Fabian was using before his death. Ericbacktracked, using your girl and everything his techs could find on her.”

You mean he had his techs tear her life apart.

“Before Fabian died, he used the last name of Carmichael, and Fabian Carmichael had a will. In that will, he left all his possessions—including his bar—to his granddaughter. But, funny thing…”

“I haven’t heard a damn funny thing so far.”

“The bar was never turned over to her. I’m not sure she even knew the place existed. Like I said, Fabian moved her out of here after Katrina hit, and that was back in 2005.”

“I’m still waiting for the funny part.”

“Here it comes.” Constantine turned fully away from the window. “The lawyer that Carmichael used? That lawyer was based down here in New Orleans. Morris Hade. Good old Morris justhappensto be working for Preston Guidry. Been the Guidry family lawyer for years, since long before little Preston grew into the big asshole that he is today.”


“Eric got his techs to pull up building permits from the city. About six months ago, Preston started remodeling work at the bar. I’m betting that’s when he found the long lost safe.”

The safe, and he’d known the rumored tale about the twenty million. Money that should have gone to Jacqueline. “Didn’t hear a funny part.” Just parts that pissed him off. The lawyer had hidden her inheritance from Jacqueline. Been crooked as hell.On Preston’s payroll.

Remy’s phone dinged.

Constantine smiled. “Once Eric started digging with the permit people, he found some old architectural designs for the bar. He compared those designs with the remodeling plans thatPreston had to submit. That text you just receivedshouldbe the schematics, courtesy of Eric.”

Remy pulled out his phone. As he stared at the screen, a slow smile curved his lips.

“Consider it your treasure map. You can now seeexactlywhere the safe is hidden. Did I get to the funny part? Because I thought I just did. It’s the part where Preston is an idiot, and he’s shown us exactly how to locate the twenty million.”

Hell, yes.“I owe Eric.”

“I’m sure you’ll pay him back. You seem to have an obsession with doing that.” A little taunt that Remy let slide. “Ready to get down to business? Just like the old days, am I right?”

Not one hundred percent but…


Remy kept staring at the building schematics as he crafted his plan. “I’m going to need some smoke bombs.”