Remy burst through the woods, breath heaving as the cabin came back into sight. There was no sign of Jacqueline. Maybe she’d followed his orders. Maybe she was safe inside. Or…

Maybe she’s been taken.He didn’t bother calling out her name. He surged straight for the cabin.

Or maybe she ran away. She was trying to run from me before, but then I heard the twig snapping.Jacqueline had become absolutely terrified when he’d mentioned that she could talk to the head of the FBI. Her whole body had trembled. And she’d tried to escape.

His sweet angel was afraid of the Feds. Which probably meant…

She’s not nearly as sweet and innocent as I thought.

He grabbed for the doorknob. Found it locked. His fist pounded against the door. He didn’t call out her name. Just pounded and—

The door swung open. Her eyes—so wide and that unforgettable green had filled with fear—met his.

“You’re okay!” She threw her arms around him even as he kicked the door closed. “I was so worried. Donotdo that again, okay? You don’t need to put yourself at risk for—”

He pulled back from her. Glared down at her. He flipped the lock on the door and was aware of a faint tremble in his normally rock-steady fingers. What was up with that?

Jacqueline swallowed. “R-Remy?” Fear, vibrating softly in her voice.

Fuck it. Just…fuck it.His emotions were spinning out of control. He was out of control. He didn’t know her. They were strangers. Nothing should matter. Nothing ever mattered to him. He didn’t get involved in other people’s problems. He stayed away from personal connections. Other people did not matter and she—

“Please,” Jacqueline whispered, and the word trembled. “Don’t get hurt for me. I’m not who you think I am.”

Fuck. It.His mouth crashed down on hers.

Chapter Five

Remy’s arms closed around her, he pulled her up against the burning heat of his muscled body, and his mouth took hers. Stunned surprise held Jacqueline immobile. Her mouth had dropped open when he first hauled her close, and his tongue thrust past her parted lips.


She couldn’t believe this. He—they—

I’m kissing him back.

She was. Her hands flew up to clutch his powerful arms, and her tongue eagerly met his. She shouldnotbe doing this. Bad guys were on her trail. Probably on theliteraltrail near Remy’s home. And she was stopping to make out with him.


Damn, the man could kiss. Inside her two pairs of socks and the oversized shoes, her toes were curling. She rubbed eagerly against him, opened her mouth a little wider, and felt heat and lust surge through her entire body. Remy kissed her with a single-minded determination. As if nothing else mattered in the world. As if he’d been hungry for her a very, very long time and he was going to explore all of her now that he had her in his arms and—

What am I doing? What am I thinking?This was…wrong. This had to stop.

Yet, nothing had ever felt this right before. She’d never wanted to melt into a man as he kissed her. To just forget everything else—including the threat at the door—and simply let go. Passion never swept her away. She wasn’t that type. Practical, reliable,boring.That was her. Not this…this woman who was moaning and twisting and trying to getmore.

He nipped on her lower lip. She could actually feel arousal flood through her at that sensual bite. Another moan came from her and…

His head lifted.

It took her a moment to realize he’d stopped kissing her. Her eyes flew open, and she stared up at him, aware that her heart raced far too fast. “I…”

Lust blazed in his eyes.Blazed.Wow. She didn’t think any man had ever gazed at her with that much lust. It looked as if he wanted to pounce. Amber sparks burned in the darkness of his eyes.

“He got away.”

“You kissed me.”

Wait. Wrong thing to say. Obviously, he’d kissed her. Remy would have been aware of that pertinent fact, and clearly, he wanted to stay on a topic that mattered. He’d been talking about the bad guy. She’d been talking about making out. Her lips pressed together.I can still taste him.