Page 59 of Aveke

He came in from the hallway, holding a box in his hands. “You like them?”

I pointed at myself. “What the–”

“Oh yeah. That.”

“Yes! That. What is that doing here?”

He went over and put his arm around it, smiling wide at me. “I only get cutouts of the people I look up to.” He was teasing, but then he got serious. His eyes got dark, and he came toward me. “Jokes aside, you’re the only cardboard cutout I want in my life.”

“What happened to the Mason Kade one?”

He shrugged. “The bingo people asked if I’d leave it with them.”

I started laughing, and kept laughing even as he lifted his hands, cupping the side of my face. “Like a mascot?”

“Probably.” His thumbs swept over my cheeks, and I noticed the box he was still holding. It was cupped into his palm, resting against my face.

“What is this?”

He was suddenly really serious.

My heart dipped. “Zeke?”

“Okay.” He seemed flustered now before bringing the box between us. It was a jewelry box. Velvet.

A lump rested on the back of my throat. “What is this, Zeke?”

“It’s not an engagement ring.” He said that quickly and rushed. “I mean, shit. I should’ve put this in a different box. I’m not trying to be an asshole, in case you thought it was an engagement ring and now I’m saying it’s not, but…” He stopped talking, trailing off as I reached up and took the box from him. He stepped back, his head lowered. His shoulders hunched down, and he shoved his hands in his pockets.

It was a pendant on a chain.

My heart began beating so fast as I lifted it out of the box.

“It’s—” His voice grew thick. “It’s a single dandelion wish. A seed. And they preserved it in the glass. I found it online when I wanted to get you something special.” He moved in close again, so close I could feel his heat. I was still staring at the dandelion as his forehead slowly lowered to rest on mine. His hands went to my arms and his thumbs began rubbing over me, soft, tender. “The store’s website said it’s to be a token. To remind you to always keep working toward your wishes and your dreams. And I got it for you because you’re my wish.”

I lifted my gaze to his and saw how he was staring at the pendant in my hand.

He added, his voice hoarse, “I said it before, but I wanted my person when I was growing up. I just never had that person… until you. You’re my person, Ava. My wish. My dream. No one else was it because it was always you. I love you.” His eyes went to mine, and my heart melted at the vulnerable look on his face.

“Zeke,” I whispered, reaching up and cradling his face. “You’re mine too.”

So much love pounded through my whole body. It heated up my chest, sent my blood coursing, and I was going on another memory binge because this wasn’t the first time that Zeke had done something nice like this for me, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Simple things like bringing me food at the stables. Making coffee for me in the morning. He was always kind and thoughtful, and the complete opposite of what he used to be known as.

We had a monthly bingo night with my mom and Sophie now, and he always liked to get Logan to join if he was in town. Blaise FaceTimed in to play his own card a few times when it worked with his schedule. And Zeke tended to need sugar when he did stocks so I always made sure to bring home his favorite: gummy bears. And he liked doing couple massages and going to the spa. He also enjoyed going to sporting events, so for his birthday, he was going to get tickets to the Arizona Javalina, Mason Kade’s football team, and the Kansas City Mustangs.

“And I’m pre-proposing to you now.”


His face was solemn. “We’ve not hit a year yet. I know you’re the cautious type, and moving in with me was a big deal for you. I know that so I’m respecting that, but just so you know, I’d marry you tomorrow if you said you wanted it.”

I took a step back. “What?” My stomach was now in my chest. “What are you saying?”

He was studying me, his eyes widening. “Oh–I didn’t mean it to scare you. I’m trying–fuck it. I’m trying to be thoughtful. I know girls like these things.” He held up the jewelry box. “So if you were hoping this was an engagement ring, and then you found it wasn’t, I’m trying to cover all my bases here. I didn’t think you’d want me to propose so soon, so I’m pre-proposing… if that makes sense?”

I couldn’t breathe. Not for a second, but I managed to choke out, “It makes no sense.”

His face fell. “Oh.”