Page 40 of Aveke

Iwheeled into Manny’s parking lot and headed for the bar’s back door. Ava told me to pick her up there, and as soon as I parked, she was coming outside, looking all sexy and cute at the same time. Her face was flushed as she climbed in, shutting the door. “Are you okay?”

She was all breathy, asking me, but she’d asked me on the phone earlier.

I leaned over, beckoning for her. “Come here.”

She frowned but leaned in. I touched my mouth to hers, and goddamn. Pure sunlight. That’s what she was. She hesitated, but after I coaxed her a little, she relaxed into the kiss, and she began tasting me back. I cupped the back of her head, holding her anchored as I took my sweet time saying hello to my girl. I was in love, and the taste was different.

She was like sunlight and rainbows right after a heavy but needed rainstorm. I could breathe her in for the rest of my life. Happiness. She was mine.

She pulled back and fanned herself. “What was that for?”

“Just happy to see you.”

She softened, her smile spreading a bit more. “Oh.”

I grinned. “Oh.” She was hella cute.

Her eyes got serious. “You were arrested?”

My gut tightened up, but I nodded, shifting back and reversing the Jeep. We had an errand to run before heading back to the house. “I was.”

“What happened?”

“The guy was saying some shit he shouldn’t have been saying.”

“What was he saying?”

I was pulling out of the parking lot, turning right, and slid my gaze toward Ava’s. “Some shit no man should be saying.”

“What’s going to happen?”

I was replaying in my head what Logan Kade told me.

“He has an open and shut case. They have witnesses. There was no provocation for what you did, no way you could claim self-defense, so at this point, you either need to get him to change his mind or you find something to bring to offer them instead.” He leveled me with a serious look.“You hearing me?”

“Can I scare him?”

“I would highly suggest against that, with this case, this guy.”

“If he changes his mind, would they drop the charges?”

“I can’t guarantee that, but I can tell you that they are motivated to work with you.”

“I’m supposed to narc or something?”

Logan inclined his head, checking his phone.“I wouldn’t use that word, but you have connections that their normal confidential informants aren’t able to access. You can think on that, otherwise buckle up. If you get a judge who hates privileged wealthy pricks, you could get screwed in the end.”

“What would you do? If it were you? If the guy had been saying shit about your woman?”

The phone went down, and Logan Kade set some scary eyes on me.“Then I would already be making calls to find anything on this piece of shit I could, and when I had whatever I needed to bury him, I’d pay him a visit. I’d make sure he’d be pissing his pants before I left. Course that’s contingent on if the DA would drop the charges if the guy wanted them dropped. My advice here? Find something on him to trade for you. And whatever you find, make sure it’s something they would salivate for.”

I relayed to Ava the gist of what Kade said.

She sat back, frowning. “What are you going to do? Who is this guy?”

“Roger Mitchell.”

“Roger Mitchell from my old bank?” She shoved forward, her nostrils flaring.