Page 11 of Aveke

I wasn’t sure what Zeke could promise, but he seemed so certain so I was going with trusting him. He had connections of his own, and Jarrod had taken off quickly enough. The old Jarrod would’ve been duking it out in the grocery aisle within two sentences. Either he had matured since school or Zeke’s reputation stood for itself.

I was going with Zeke’s rep, but I did ask, “Potomahmen? Was he really there?”

Zeke was still tense, but drew his shoulders up, held, before lowering and as they did, a softening came over his face. “Yeah. According to his own social media, he was.”

I glanced down, saw his hands were empty. “What are you shopping for?”

“I’m not.” He leaned in and took the list that I’d bunched up in my hand. “But I am now. I saw you pull in and also saw him following you.”

“What?” Another shiver trickled down my back.

Zeke looked up from the list. “He saw you drive in, and purposely followed you. I saw him and followed him. He wasn’t in here shopping for food. I’m betting he was going somewhere else, saw you, and thought to try his hand at making a meet again.” He studied me as he spoke. “He’s not good news, Ava. His social media alone shows that, but was I wrong to step in? Did you want to rekindle something with him?”

“No! My God, no. I’m just not used to someone doing all that you did.”

He snorted, bumping his shoulder into mine lightly. “Don’t know why you aren’t. You’re hot, Ava. Already told you that.” He grabbed for some of the soup that I had on the list and put them in my basket, at the same time as he took the basket out of my hands.

I grinned. “Is that the only reason? ’Cause of my looks?”

He shot me a grin in return, and it rocked me back on my feet. It was so light, but dirty, rakish at the same time. I had no idea how he managed all of those together. He said, “Might have something to do with how you’re like a saint. Kind. Loving. Got your shit together.” He had started further down, grabbing some canned vegetables next, but then stopped and looked right at me. “Or maybe it’s because you’re one of the good ones. You’re the one that any guy would line up for a shot with, even just for one chance, and that guy will regret it for the rest of his life if he lost that shot. Your ex? He’s regretting.”

He said it so seriously, piercing me, that I felt a whole different zing go through me. One of shock, but also wariness. Zeke wasn’t fucking around. He was going straight to the heart of the matter.

He shifted closer, lowering his voice. “You know that, don’t you?”

My throat was swelling up, and I had a feeling that Zeke wasn’t going to let this drop so I jerked a nod. And I lied. “Totally.”

His eyes narrowed. His head cocked to the side, and he lifted up, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before trailing his finger to just under my chin. He lifted it up, just slightly, before his hand fell away. “You will one day.”



Iwas just arriving to Manny’s, the first night in a long time that I’d left Grandmum’s bed.

I had to.

I didn’twantto go, and I wasn’t scheduled, but I couldn’t stay there. I couldn’t sit there, watching her go, knowing my mom was leaving too (in her way) and it got too much for me. Work was my escape. It was my constant. In a way, work was my home, and once I stepped inside Manny’s, I felt like a part of me could breathe.

I didn’t know how to “just be.” I needed movement. I needed busy.

I needed chaos.

I needed Manny’s.

As soon as I stepped inside, Brandon was frowning at me. He gave a nod to Derek, our other bartender, before slipping away and heading toward me. “Your grandma?”

I shook my head. “I need to work. I’m not scheduled, but do you need the help? I just… I need to not think right now.”

He was studying me and frowning at the same time, but then a kind smile came next. “I’ll always need your help. Any night of the week, any time. I hope you know that.”

I choked up, my throat swelling, but I shoved that down and nodded. “Thank you.” I moved past him, stowed my purse under the bar in the locked drawer, and after that, it was work mode only.

I felthis presence before I sawhim, and I only needed to look up once Zeke slid onto his stool.

His eyes were on me, narrowed a little. “Hey.”

“Hey.” I poured his usual drink.