I grinned back.

It was good to be home. “She’s in bed?”

His grin got bigger, but the bags under his eyes told me he’d been waiting up the whole time. “You can see for yourself.” He took a sip. “Do we need to have a debriefing before you go and do that?”

I frowned, lowering my duffel bag. “Not unless some form of emergency has come up I should hear about now.”

He didn’t say a word. I knew what that meant.

“Okay.” I gestured ahead. “Your office, I’m assuming?”

“My office.”

Peter filled me in oneverything.


I was dreaming about Kash, and it was a delicious dream.

I could smell him. I could hear him. I was feeling him.

He was carrying me. We were moving. Then there was warmth, more warmth, and I was in bed.

He wasn’t there, though. I didn’t like that, and I reached for him.

I was searching. The bed was empty. The bed shouldn’t have been empty. And then he was back.

The mattress depressed under his weight, and his arms were around me.

I was being pulled back into his chest.

His legs were around me.

He was folding me into him, and his lips skimmed my shoulder.

He ran a hand down my face, his lips brushing my cheek, my lips.

A whisper from him. “Sleep. We’ll talk later.”

So, I slept again.

Best dream in a long time, but that night, it was my best dream ever.

Wait a second …

My eyes snapped open.

My entire body froze before I flipped over in bed.

Two very angry eyes were glaring right back at me. A very large and very rigid body was lying next to me, arms and legs wrapped around me.

Not a dream at all.

Kash was back.


She looked sogoddamngood.