A second later, she sent a text out.

Hoda: It’s done.

Quinn: Are you sure? And you watched her the entire time?

Hoda: Yes. I told her I’d go to the FBI if she did it again.

My stomach dropped, but I was waiting, air suspended in my throat, and my fingers were itching to start typing away, when Quinn texted back.

Good. I’m sure with everything Kash and Peter are going through, that’s the last sort of battle Bailey wants. Are we still on for drinks tomorrow night? I know how you can get Liam to sleep with you.

I wanted to puke. My stomach was churning over.

Hoda: Yes! Let’s. Girls’ Martini Night at the Ritz.

Quinn: You’re on. See you then! 8 sharp.

I had meant to close out Hoda’s text messages, too, but not now. And crap. Crap! I had wanted to believe Hoda had become somewhat of a friend. I truly did. But this changed everything.



I was going to tell Matt first about Hoda and Quinn.

I knew I should tell Kash, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t, and I didn’t know why. It was like when I tried to open my mouth, totell Fitz that I should be going to wherever Kash was, the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth. And my hands refused to pick up the phone and call him myself, or even text him.

Matt I could text.

I asked where he was. He said Naveah, so that’s where we were going. I looked up at the front seat where Fitz and my driver were sitting, and for once I had something they didn’t know about.

Once we pulled up to Naveah, I texted again.

Outside Naveah. Can you come out here? I don’t want to be where Torie is.

He wouldn’t question me on Torie, but he’d question me on where else I wanted to go.

Matt: Sure. Finishing, gotta pay. Can I bring Tony and Guy?

Me: No. You and me only.

Matt: Is this a Team Batt thing?

I grinned, typing fast, and more relieved.

Me: Oh yeah!

Matt: Sweet. Paying now. Out soon.

I put my phone away. “Matt’s coming out here. He wants to go to Octavo instead.”

I was lying.

Fitz frowned at me in the rearview mirror. “He does?”

I nodded. “Hmm. That’s not a problem, right?”

Fitz didn’t respond. He just stared at me until there was a commotion outside and the door was opening. Sounds from the street and the club filtered in. There was a line waiting to get into Naveah, and people began shouting, seeing Matt. Then he was sliding in, his guards coming up behind him, the door shutafter him. His guards went to where Fitz was getting out to talk with them.