I was feeling.

Then I was screaming and I was climaxing, and my body began shaking.

My body wouldn’t stop shaking.

I was crying.

Kash was holding me, cradling me to his chest.

I was lying down.

He was smoothing back my hair.

He was whispering to me, telling me he loved me.

I felt safe in his arms.



I didn’t want to feel warm.

Why didn’t I want to feel warm again?

Six weeks later


She was waking up.

I could tell. It was small, but it was significant. A little bit, every day.

I was the only one who noticed. No, that wasn’t true. Sera- phina had noticed. She was smiling more around Bailey, drawn to her, reaching for her hand and hugging her more often.

That was good.

And one night at the dinner table, Bailey turned to me, tears in her eyes, and asked, “Do you know where my laptop is?”

Matt dropped his fork. It clattered on his plate.

Seraphina gasped.

Marie had been pouring some milk into Cyclone’s glass and cursed. “Dios!”

Cyclone looked up, squinting at Bailey.

Peter’s eyes filled with tears. His hand covered his mouth.

I smiled back at her. “I’ll get it for you after dinner.”

She smiled back. “Thank you.”

She was waking up.

