It was during those three weeks that we all chose to forget about Calhoun and Quinn’s trial, and we all chose to forget that Chrissy was home after enduring something so horrific that a mere question about it would paralyze her.

It took them that long to finish questioning my brother, before they were content to move him to a different holding facility.

After I told Bailey my plan, she wanted to help. I didn’t want her to incriminate herself any more, but I had to be honest. I couldn’t lie to her, and that meant she did it without my knowledge. I woke one morning and she was sitting there, cross-legged and beaming at me. She was waving a piece of paper in the air. “I have what you’ve been waiting for.”

“Tell me you didn’t.”

“I did.” She sounded so smug. “And don’t worry, Ireallymade sure nothing could be traced back to me.”

I was afraid to ask what else she’d done.

She heard that they were able to trace her and hadn’t liked it, not one bit. But they didn’t realize that the choice was always going to be Bailey.

So, I was waiting.

In the meantime, I pulled my team from Calhoun.

Once we got the signal, I was moving in to grab my twin.

I sat up. “When and where?”

She handed over the paper. “He’s being moved at one tomorrow morning and that’s the address. I looked it up. It’s a house. But from what I hacked, it sounds like they’re only holding him there for the night. Then he’ll be driven to another safe house outside of state lines.”

“Can you track where the second house will be?”

She paused, biting her lip, before she shook her head. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I’ve looked at other trips where they’ve moved a high-priority subject, and some messages weren’t relayed over the internet or technology. Coordinates were given to one agent, who then traveled to the house and gave the message face-to-face.”

That meant we had one opportunity. And that also meant they’d be watching.

Her hand fell to my arm. Her thumb stroked over my pulse on the inside of my wrist. “It’ll all work out. We have Chrissy back. You can grab Chase, and then maybe you can find out everything you need. You can move in on your grandfather, finally.”

That was the hope, but I was tired. I was tired to the bone.

“Tell me you wiped everything, because they’re going to come after you.”

She nodded, her teeth sinking into her lip again. “I did. I will.”

No one else was looped in.

“You’ll have to stay back.” I exhaled sharply, bending forward so my forehead was resting on her knee.

Her hand came down on the back of my head and held me there. Her fingers slid through my hair, and she began massaging the back of my scalp.

“It’ll be okay.”

I grabbed her shirt and fisted it. “It’s not. Leaving you behind is never okay.”

“But it’s necessary.”

I lifted my head, knowing she could see how heavy this wasweighing on me, but I wasn’t shielding myself from her. Not anymore, not with what I was about to put us both through. “Is it, though? Is there another way?”

“Your brother won’t tell you what you need to know while he’s in custody. You have to take him. You have to know what he knows. He’s the one putting you in this situation.”

I looked at the paper.

I looked at the address.

I looked at the time.