I lost it.

I couldn’t keep—Jesus, why wasn’t she fighting me? I needed her to fight me.

I needed it to breathe. I needed it to—There was so much pressure inside me. I felt like a balloon ready to pop, and I had to hurt her to make some of it go away.

That arm wasn’t restraining me.

That arm was just holding me. A chest came up behind me, and I knew that chest.

Kash was standing there behind me, holding me, and his head bent. His lips were on my shoulder.

I was still trembling.

I hated Victoria. I hated her with everything in me.

She was the one who did all of this…


I stopped, freezing in place.

That wasn’t me talking in my head.

I smelled Chrissy. I felt her. I could hear her laughter, and I sagged in Kash’s arms.

I was done.

Everything Victoria did to me, I was doing to her.

Round and round.

The train never stops. But I was hurting. The pressure was building, building, building. It was going to rip me apart, and right behind it was pain. Just pure and horrifying and paralyzing pain, and I couldn’t feel that. I didn’t want to feel that. I wanted to rip apart my skin, push my hand deep inside, grab that pain, and yank it out of me.

I wanted it out of me for good.


That was my mom again. I was hearing me, and I knew she wasn’t there, but she was. She’d come back to haunt me.

“Mom,” I broke, my head folding down. My knees gave out, and down I went.

Kash caught me and he lifted me.

I curled into him, just needing him, and then he was moving through the crowd.

“Here.” That was Torie.

A door opened. We were through it. The club’s music faded.

Kash was carrying me down a hallway. Then we were in an elevator. We were going up, and then another hallway.

“Sir.” His guard.

A door opened, and then I was being lowered onto a couch.

I looked up, but the room was dark. There were neon lights flaring from a window behind him. He’d brought me to his office.

I hadn’t been in this room for so long.