He let out a sigh. “Yeah. I get it. Sucks.” A beat later, “But it was fun to spend some time with her.”

I grunted. “If I’d gotten a call that she was arrested because of you, then you and I would be having a different talk.”

He shook his head. “Whatever, jerkface.”

I grinned. “Cyclone?”

He paused a second, then got it and laughed. “Should I say ‘dickface’ instead?”

“Please no.”

His grin was there, but it grew more somber. “Just don’t leave my sister like that again. I’m assuming you didn’t get him yet? Figured there’d be a news bulletin out if you had. Did you get close, at least?”

I shook my head. “I was heading to a meeting when I got the call about you and Bailey. She’s more important than him.”

A grunt from him this time. “I get it. You had to come back. Your woman needed you.”



Then we were done.

The talk was over, and we sat there, watching the woman we both loved as she relaxed around her friends. An hour later she was flushed, and curled up next to me in the booth. The night wasn’t bad, or not as bad as I thought it’d be.

That was, until now, seeing who’d entered Naveah and was heading our way. I knew the good times were done.

“Aw, fuck.” Matt sat up, throwing me a look.

I gave him a quick dip of my head. I saw.

Bailey hadn’t, but she had heard her brother.

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked up, a little drowsy. Then she jerked upright. “What is she doing here?”

Victoria was walking up the path to our booth. Fleur and Cedar right behind her. Since she was here, I had no doubt that the usual gang was about to follow as well. Chester. Guy. Cottweiler. It wasn’t like Victoria to be in town and not rally support.

She knew I was here.

She was here to say something.

I sat back and waited.

“Hello, Kash.”


I was experiencing bad déjà vu.

I hadn’t seen her since…

“He fucked me hard. He flew me to Greece, making me come over and over again on the plane. And it didn’t stop there. He was insatiable.”

I was tasting my own vomit. It jumped up in my throat.

“What’s the problem, Bailey? Not enough for him?”

“What. The. Fuck. Isshedoinghere?”