I had a live feed into her phone, and she was going through it, or someone else was—fast, too. They were searching to see what was changed.

They could find my program if they looked hard enough, butI was hoping that when they saw nothing added or deleted or changed, they would think nothing happened.

One app was opened. Two. Three. They went through fifteen of her apps before the screen stopped.

The text messages were pulled up.

She was texting someone.

Who was she texting?

A number came up. She typed:

Quinn: I got my new phone. You can send the virus to the old one.

Quinn: Good try, Bailey. Better luck next time. *middle finger emoji*

Oh. Yeah. Hadn’t thought that through, but made sense she’d figure it out.

Her old phone’s screen lit up again, and there it was. I saw the virus being uploaded. Whoever was on the other end hit the final button and the phone went dead. RIP Quinn’s old phone, because that sucker was dunzo.

I already had everything backed up on an external drive.

Matt and I would have to have a ceremony later to send off Quinn’s phone, but until then, I opened another window and pulled up my program again. This time, I clicked on the ghost program and let it go. Anything new she did on her phone would be downloaded here, and that would be sent to the same external hard drive that I had set up with her old phone’s data. Minimizing that window, I pulled up her old data and started going through it.

A hard knock came first, before the door was shoved open. “Yo!” Matt strolled in, a bag of chips in hand, and he popped a bunch in his mouth. “What’s happening, hot stuff?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t quote pickup lines to your sister.”

He blinked at me, blankly.

He didn’t know.

“That quote is a pickup line from a movie.”

A slow grin on his face. He laughed, putting more chips in his mouth. “It’s like second nature to me. I don’t even think about them anymore.” He turned to the computer and nudged my shoulder. “What have you learned?”

“That she got in touch with someone who knows phones, right away. They cloned her old phone remotely and then killed it.”

His head jerked back up. “Are you saying we got nothing?” His voice went hard.

“Where’s the trust? Where’s the Team Batt faith?” I nudged his shoulder. “I got the data already downloaded, which is here.” I clicked on the window, showcasing it. “And…” I pulled up the other window and then we were watching in real time as Quinn was setting up a date.

“Whoa!” Matt leaned in toward the screen. “Who’s that?”

The number wasn’t saved, so there was no name.

hotel at 9 again?

Unknown number responded immediately.


Matt grinned at me. “Wonder who gets the room? Who’s the bitch in this relationship?”

Three minutes later:

Quinn: Called. Room 314