Kash smirked. “I know.”

“You think he’s ready for something like that?”

He nodded. “I do. He’s been quiet about it, but he’s gone back to managing the Francois Nova, and he’s doing well. There’s been no complaints. I talked to a few of the employees and they’re happy with him, said he was a new and improved Matthew Francis.”

I was pleased to hear that, and proud. “He never told me.”

Kash’s grin was slow and warm. “We’ve kinda had a lot going on ourselves.”

“Very true. And back to your idea, I think it’s a perfect fit for him.”

“Good.” He leaned over, a finger under my chin. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go home.” He kissed me, making it slow and delicious, and it sent tingles through my whole body. “Do you want to stay?”

“After that kiss?”

A low chuckle came from him. “I was hoping you’d say that.”



Two years later

Everyone heard the laughter throughout the church.

I was standing at the front, my arms folded in front of me. Peter was in the pew and shaking his head. A space was next to him for Chrissy. Matthew stood next to me, dressed all fancy in his tuxedo. Chase was next to him. Cyclone was my last groomsman.

The girls hadn’t started coming down the aisle yet, but they were back there.

Everyone was listening.

They’d been boozing it up since Torie brought half the bar with her. Seraphina was standing just beyond the door, peeking in. I couldn’t hear her, but I knew there was a wedding planner back there. She’d been up my ass with financials since Bailey insisted on hiring her. Little did I know it was all a ploy.

Bailey didn’t want to plan the wedding. She knew I didn’t, either, and she didn’t want to let Chrissy loose on the job; hence,a wedding planner, who I’d seen running around, her hands in the air, a permanent look of exasperation on her face, and no one blamed her. Bailey had taken to making a game of evading her.

So she was either back there, hissing at them to hurry up, or they got her drunk right alongside them.

“Anyone else jealous of the bridesmaids?” Matt said under his breath, straightening his collar. “Also, why didn’t we sneak some booze ourselves? Note for your future best man.”

Cyclone started laughing.

Chase’s mouth moved, curving up.

It’d been a long road for Chase and me, but I was glad he was back, and I was glad he was standing up for me today. As if feeling the “twin thing,” he caught my eye, and his own flashed. He dipped his head down to me.

Yeah. A long way.

“They’re coming,” Cyclone whispered, rolling his shoulders back. He had shot up in height over the summer, looking almost like an eighteen-year-old. With a small Mohawk happening. I heard Bailey groan almost daily about the girls sending her little brother private messages on his accounts.

How she knew, I wasn’t asking. Everyone knew.

We just let her do her thing, because who was going to stop her? She’d appointed herself the cyber guardian over the entire family, Marie and Theresa included. Payton as well. All three of them that were in the back, too.

Then the music started.

The girls were lined up.

And Seraphina was the first down.