“Stop it!She tried to kill me. Forget all the shit we have on you; we could sue for libel and slander. We’d win. Why do you keep backing her story? The evidence against her is unquestionable.”

She opened her mouth, stopped, gaped at me, and closed it.

She looked down.

We waited, and ten seconds later, she looked back up. “She was a friend. I don’t have friends.”

Matt snorted, but I elbowed him in the side.


Camille’s eyes narrowed and she lifted up a shoulder. “Quinncame to me. She told me all these things about you guys, and I believed her.”

Matt growled but kept his mouth shut.

I sat back. “You told her about Hoda?”

She nodded. “She was looking for allies. I knew Hoda was your classmate and she didn’t like you. Hoda actually found me. She commented on a couple of my posts, and then I dug her up, finding out who exactly was commenting. I reached out after that, and the rest was history.”

“My grandfather’s men knew about Hoda. Was that from you?”

“I…” Her eyes suddenly bulged out, and what color had come back to her completely drained again. “Oh no. Oh no!”

“We’re getting that.” A mutter from Matt.

“Oh no!” She surged forward, sitting all the way upright. “Quinn emailed me, asking how to get in contact with Hoda. I’d told her that Hoda had moved out, but I never thought about it. She said she wanted to send Hoda a card or email. I… It was me.” She slumped back down. “She must’ve sent an email to Hoda and then to them, and that’s how they knew where to find her. I… I never thought.”

We waited, letting her process that.

Matt’s hand shot up. “Can we move forward? I don’t have any sympathy for her finding out she helped get a girl murdered. She’s been consorting with Quinn this whole time. She’s innocent of shit.”

Camille’s eyebrows furrowed up. “That’s not fair.”

“We don’t care,” said Kash.

I coughed, sitting up. “Moving along. This is what we’re going to do. I have no interest in turning you over to the police. You’d have to explain how I got all of this, and frankly, I could delete everything and erase my trail, but that’s a pain in the ass. I mean, I’ll be erasing my trail anyways, but going through the hoops of proving that to the cops, I don’t want to do that. And Ihave no doubt that if Quinn gets word that you’ve been arrested, she’ll know you could turn evidence on her and she’ll probably try to figure out a way to hire a hit on you.”

“Oh my God!”

I ignored her. “So instead I want you to stop reporting anything and everything on our family. That is it. If you hear of a story brewing about us, you will merely type on your computer screenCANARYand I will know to get in contact with you. Creepy, yes. I don’t care. I want you to know that I’m going to continue watching you because I don’t like you. I don’t like how much you have hurt my brother, myself, my family, and Kash. You can do whatever you want, but you will help us instead. For the rest of your life. And if for some reason you decide you’re sick of being our puppet, remember that I’m only one hacker in my family. There’s one more and one coming. I also have a photographic memory, so anything I read, I never forget.” A pause for dramatic effect. “Are we clear here?”

She’d lost all color again but jerked her head up and down in a stiff nod.

It was good enough for me.

We left and headed to Naveah.

Once inside, and once we were sitting in our VIP booth, Kash watched Matt head to the bar. “You think she’ll do it?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but if she doesn’t, I really will turn all my stuff over to the authorities. Bright will love me forever.”

He grinned, then grew serious. He was still watching Matt, who was now flirting with Torie. “I’m thinking of turning Naveah over to Matt.”

“He’d buy you out?”

“He’d manage it for me, and yeah, if he wants to buy me out later, I’d let him do that. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a great idea, but he’ll be pissed he can’t drink here socially anymore.”