I knocked it off, twisting out of his hold, and at his look of surprise, I snarled back, “Do not attempt to force me. I know your skill level. You don’t know mine.” He let me go. I took advantage and moved around him.

They were loading Chase into the back. I jumped in next to him. They were going to shove him in and shut the door. I got in right as they were reaching for the door.

The guy saw me and paused. “What—”

Harden shot me a look, but commanded, “Leave him. We have to go.”

After that, they got in. Doors were closed. The rest of the guys streamed out and loaded up. We were off.

I waited until we got one block before speaking. “Did you kill those agents?”

Chase seemed to tense next to me.

There was no going back if they had. All of this would’ve been for nothing.

Harden turned around from the front seat. His eyes locked on mine and he shook his head. “Not one. They were tranqed. That was it.”

Good. I didn’t need the feds coming after me for murder.

We’d gone one more block before we heard in our ears, “Uh, guys?”

Harden pressed his com. “What is it?”

“Feds are going the opposite way of you.”

Harden twisted back to me, frowning.

He wasn’t the only one. I leaned forward. “How?”

“Someone broke into our system and took control,” the voice in our ear answered,

“How did that happen?”

The voice was in disbelief. “Remotely. Someone set up at a close enough distance, got in, took our signal, and they’re leading them away.”

I knew.


Anger, hot and pulsating, rolled through my body, and I growled out an order. “You take that hack back and you send the feds anywhere except after that car.”

“I’ll try, but they’re moving out of range. I don’t know if I can stop it.”

“She’s smart. Trust your woman,” Chase said.

Trust her? I half growled right back at him. “Are you kidding me? You don’t know her.”

A glimmer of a smile flashed at me, then it was gone. He coughed, the exhaustion now seeping in, and his head bobbed up and down. “You’re right. I don’t.”

He seemed to dissolve in front of me.

What I saw in the house had been what he wanted those agents to see. Now he was here, and the mask was slipping. It was falling fast, too.

“Wait. The signal is gone,” said the voice in our ears.

I didn’t necessarily believe it, but I was praying. I was praying hard.

“We’re good. The feds are turning back to the house. The signal is totally gone.”