I had thirteen hours.


After weeks, the prosecution has rested their unfair case. Circumstantial evidence is weak, there is a lack of witness testimonies and holes were found in their timeline. The head attorney for Ms. Callas says they have a strong argument to present to the court. They are confident their client will be rightly acquitted.

—Inside Daily Press



“Why are we doing this again?” Matt asked, his head inclining over mine as we were weaving in and out of Naveah.

Matt didn’t know what was going down tonight. And we only had a small window to get into place. I was outside the door, almost on Kash’s heels as he left for his top secret mission. My guards were with us. Kash wouldn’t be alarmed if we went to Naveah.

But from Naveah is where we needed to lose the guards.

Yes, yes, I know.

How stupid of me to lose my guards. They’re on us for a reason. Blah, blah, blah.

But I figured I already knew where the bad guys were. Calhoun was somewhere in Greece. Kash told me that, and I doubted he would’ve traveled back in the few days since Kash had pulled his guys from Calhoun. And the other bad guy was Kash’s twin brother. We all knew where he was; that was the whole point of tonight.

So, one night. I was willing to risk it.

Matt just didn’t know any of this.

We were fast coming to the time when I would have to cluehim in, but before that, I marched over to Tony, who had a girl gyrating on his lap.

His hands were on her waist and he was leaning back, a lazy smirk on his face, watching her. His eyes trailed to us and I noticed the caution coming over his face.

Be scared of me, buddy. Be very scared of me.

That gave me a warm feeling.

My hands found my hips, and I nodded at the girl. “Get rid of her.”

He frowned, his eyebrows lowering. His hands kneaded the side of her waist. “Why?”

“Do it. Now.” I was not messing around.

He noted it, and nodded, patting her on the bum. “Get lost.”

Such kindness from such an asshat.

She glared at him. “Are you kidding me?”

He wasn’t even paying attention to her anymore. “Yeah. Get lost. Team Brainiac makes me soft anyways.”

She harrumphed, flicked us a look, then saw Matt, and a sultry smile came over her face. “Hey there.”

Matt wiggled his eyebrows at her, waving his fingers, too. “Hey there.”

Tony sat up. “Really?”

Matt snapped back to attention. “Right.” He jerked his chin toward the dance area. “How about you go give me a dance out there? I’ll watch from here.”

Her eyes lit up, her smile turned even more seductive, and her hips were swaying as she walked down to where everybody else was dancing.