She had to return to me.

I had to have her again.

Life wasn’t over for us, for her.

I wasn’t leaving this seat until my mother actually walked through the door.

Then the buzz happened.

I heard Peter on the phone from the gate.

They were coming.

That would’ve been security calling them in to the house, even though Kash had clearance. They still would’ve called, because they knew I would’ve wanted to know.

So I sat up, my entire body one big heartbeat at a time.


I moved.


I scooted to the edge of the seat.


They were coming.


My feet touched the floor.


My hands curled around the chair cushion.


Peter went to the door. He opened it.

I heard the crunch of gravel under the tires.

They were there.

They had parked.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The doors opened.

My heart stopped. My whole body froze.

I heard Kash’s voice, and then—a woman’s voice.

I tore out of there.
