
I ground my teeth again.

If Bailey had heard that word.Executed.

“You’ll watch how you talk about Chrissy Hayes’s supposed murder when you’re in the presence of her own daughter.” My tone was scathing, and her head whipped back. Her eyes widened.

She got the message. Respect or get out.

“We’re running road cams, all the typical stuff we’d be doing. We need to verify what Bailey saw is who she actually saw and not a play of shadows or something.”

“It wasn’t.”

I knew it in my bones, just like that other feeling. The end was coming.

“We have to make sure—”

“It wasn’t.”

“Your girlfriend’s been in mourning. It makes more sense that she wanted to see her mother and so her subconscious produced what she wanted.”

“She didn’t anditdidn’t. She saw her mother.”

“How do you know, Kash?”

I heard the inflection in her tone.

I rounded on her. “Because I know Bailey. That’s not a daughter in mourning anymore. If there was doubt, she wouldn’t be looking like that. Look at her, Bright.” I nodded toward Bailey.

Bright turned.

I kept talking. “She’s ready to set fire to the earth and burn with it. If there was any chance she didn’t see Chrissy or she doubted herself, none of that would be there. She’d be curled up in a ball, because trust me, it’s been a long process to get her uncurled from that ball. No.” A decisive shake of my head. “She’s itching for you and Wilson to get out of here, and then I know she’s going to launch herself into whatever and however she can help to find her mom.”

And we were wasting her time.

I cursed again.

Bailey wanted to hack. Hell, that wasn’t even it anymore. Sheneededto hack. I could see it pulling at her. She wanted to fuck or fight. It was the most human part of us, and taking her to bed wasn’t prudent right now. That meant fighting.

Which meant hacking for Bailey.

I needed to get these FBI agents out of here.

“Are you sure?” Wilson was repeating some question to Bailey, whose eyes were flashing from annoyance.

“I’m sure!” Her tone was snapping.

That was enough.

I started for them.

Bright’s hand touched my arm, stopping me.

I looked at it, looked at her. “Get your hand off of me. Now.”

She did, jerking backward from the severity of my tone. She tucked her own phone into her pocket and her lips parted, glaring at me. “We will handle this, Kash.”

“You are on retainer for her father.”